上一主题:Should I really have failed L2 (band 10)?
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I think it is a pretty good post. I think that a new L3 candidate could print this and put it along with the materials, and those tips can be helpful further alog their studies.
I also think past exams (and also mocks) are very important, even more than EOCs at this level. In my opinion a good approach is to start with them as early as you can, learn the Los/session you got wrong, and keep doing that. There are a lot of available past exams + provider mocks to keep you busy - if you have the time/discipline, you can probably spend a few hundred hours doing just that.


This is the best post on passing the L3 exam i have read. All new L3 candidates who are running around here looking for the L3 “secret” - HERE IT IS in the OP.
i must have read 4 or 5 times in advice to start practice exams early (like at least 2 months) and I therefore set my study schedule to do this. Yet with 2 months to go, I decided I would do a few more weeks of reading revision and didn’t start the practice exams until 6 weeks before. I got nothing from reading the notes again and everything from the practice exams and only just managed to get all 10 exams I had access to done. Lesson, start as early as you can on practice exams at this level, even up to 3 months out, and don’t worry (like we all have the tendency to do) that you aren’t “ready” to take your first practice exam yet! I doesn’t matter if your first practice exam sucks, it’s only the last one that counts.
@ trimonious2 - don’t worry about the crap coming out of  ua_bender.if he actually gave a sh!t he would translate this for his non- English speaking brethren as you have, in my opinion the essence of understanding and passing this exam. Great job


Trimoinous2, great post. I just passed Level 2 and am trying to gather as many opinoins as I can before I start studying for Level 3. Thanks for your comments.


Thank you trimonious2 for this very detailed account. Forget about the haters. I started a thread yesterday specifically asking for such advice and I am very glad you decided to share yours. This is what AF is for. I wish you all the best on Aug 7!


This is all great advice for people who have not taken the test.  Thanks trimonious.
I think that saying “The test itself is the invisible study session” is an invaluable piece of advice for new Level III candidates.  Without a doubt, learning the format and structure of the AM section of the test is critical to successfully taking the test.


trimonious2, thanks for this post. It is really useful and will help me alot.


Thanks for the feedback, ua_bender.  You are absolutely correct - there is no way anybody can ever give advice on how to approach these exams.  It was silly of me to try and I sincerely apologise.  I honestly don’t know what I was thinking (except that I wished somebody had done that for me when  I was starting my L3 studies).


上一主题:Should I really have failed L2 (band 10)?
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