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104 A fixed income portfolio manager is revaluating investments in the mortgage market but is concerned about prepayment risk. The security that will most likely minimize prepayment risk is

A a mortgage passthrough security

B a portfolio of interest-only mortgage loans

c tranche B of a collateralized mortgage obligation


答案是C 。我想问的是答案B的 interest-only mortgage loans 是什么意思呢 是说在到期前只付interest吗 如果那样可能B还好点 。C答案在trancheA的本金支付完之后 也会开始支付本金的,还是有不少prepayment risk啊 。。。求哪位大侠指点下。。

谢谢楼上 我刚才也自己理解了 呵呵


interest-only mortgage loan是剥离出来的只支付利息的部分 如果prepayment出现 那么本金被提前偿付  利息自然就少了  所以interest-only mortgage loan是受prepayment risk的影响的


 a portfolio of interest-only mortgage loans 中文是不是解一個只喜歡mortgage loans 的投資組合???

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-12-2 21:50:18编辑过]

