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I just want to confirm... i get 70% i pass, right? Have they ever, or likely to, put the mps above 70%? I'm comfortable with the 70% number, but am getting a little concerned about the talk of a potentially higher mps.


sundusg_ Wrote:
> i heard that the MPS is 70% of the score of the
> top 1 percent, dont know about the credibility of
> the source i got this from

This used to be the case, but now they're using a method called "modified Angoff method".


What do we think the average score of the top 1% of candidates is on this test? You think it's higher than 95%? We know that nobody has ever gotten 100% but that doesn't mean people have gone through only to miss one or two.


sundusg, thanks so much for your input. I feel so much better about my performance right now. I just looked it up on the FAQ, the so-called "ethics adjustment" only applies to the borderline candidates. So if one fails ethics but scores well overall he will still pass.


yea, that makes sense. though the thing that makes me question this is that the institute has the wording terminology of "above average" and "average". If they are referring to an average doesnt there have to be a sample set?


i heard that the MPS is 70% of the score of the top 1 percent, dont know about the credibility of the source i got this from


上一主题:Maximum profit of a covered call
下一主题:Effective annual rate