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Getting Killed in Ethics

Greetings, I have been reading this board for what seems like ages now, and this is my first time posting. So I sat down yesterday and took my first Mock Exam. I scored a 69%, which was pretty horrifying, but the worst part was that I missed 11 out of 18% questions on ethics, which was the difference between a 69% and a 75ish.

This is really frustrating to me in that I feel like Ethics is the softball section. There are no formulas to memorize, no really difficult concepts, but I am getting consistently killed on it.

Does anyone have any advice or best practices that they used to overcome this themselves? I'm not sure what it says about me personally if my ethical barometer can't guide me through these to at least an 80%.

Thanks and best of luck to everyone.

i used to suck at ethics until i did like 1853 questions. then i avged like 90%.


whered u get so many questions from?


njlevel you made my day. That's hilarious, thanks a ton for sharing. I gotta pick your brain once I get this test over with.

Thanks a ton for those ethics questions too, that's going to be clutch.


Are you using the CFAI texts for Ethics? It'll take about 5-6 hours to read around 100 pages carefully but its definitely gonna be worth it...

Also, consider using Q.Bank (Schweser) (LOS quizzes will definitely help as you'll be able to understand each LOS better).

There's enough time so don't fret much...


EastCoastJ Wrote:

> Does anyone have any advice or best practices that
> they used to overcome this themselves? I'm not
> sure what it says about me personally if my
> ethical barometer can't guide me through these to
> at least an 80%.
> Thanks and best of luck to everyone.


Thanks for the advice, I think getting exposure to as many ethics questions as possible is going to be clutch.

I'm still taking a bath when it comes to ethics. I see questions like the ones on the CFAI mock exam where the guy gets in the fist fight in the middle of the trading floor and I convince myself that this must be a violation of the Standard relating to the Integrity of Capital Markets, because a Capital Market can't function efficiently if two market makers are rolling around the floor rather than maintaining an orderly market in their stock. I feel like in exactly half of these types of questions I will be right by taking liberties with the Standard and throwing the book at the perpetrator and hitting them with a violation of all Standards listed, and then the other half of the time I will be completely wrong (like in this case).

It doesn't help that some of the questions are rather absurd (the other question on the mock exam where the CFA gets stopped for speeding, but wasn't really speeding due to an error with the officers radar gun, and he attempts to buy the officer a sandwich (which somehow the questions mentions is more expensive than the ticket???) because he doesn't have the schedule availability to go to court. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to take the PV of the sandwich and the ticket or what.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Friday, May 28, 2010 at 12:24PM by EastCoastJ.


I'm weak at ethics also. It's frustrating but I think the best way is to train yourself to think the way they think---which oftentimes is the opposite of what I think the answer is. So now, I kid you not, I sometimes choose the opposite choice. Sadly, that seems to work. Clearly I'm not a very ethical person. Anyway...good luck!


the mock this year is harder, thats all.

