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Investopedia Ethics Section


I know investopedia is mostly regarded as lower grade review material vs Kaplan, etc. Nevertheless, their Ethic review section looks promising. Has anyone reviewed it? Please share your thoughts. Is it worth going over it once or should I re-read the original.



I agree..Especially the cops giving you a ticket for speeding question....I mean it just looks so stupid in that scenario! If the guy had done something illegal like managing funds of a terrorist, i would have agreed with it, but avoiding speeding tickets!! ??

Even the one where you abuse your co-worker...As njlevel had posted it, its a common scenario on the floor...

I am seriously hoping for some good luck on 6th for Ethics Section


Seriously? No. Re-read the material. The examples go over everything you'll need to know.


I've given up on ethics. I've feel like I've done 1,000 questions and I keep getting answers that conflict with each other. One answer on a question says you don't have to cite sources for commonly used financial data and the next question will say they are in breach of the misrepresentation part because they don't source the commonly used financial data. I feel like I've seen 25 questions like that. Other toss ups involve if you break the law. I originally thought it was only a breach of the code if it involved your professional activities, but a lot of questions I'm seeing recently say different.

