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Had emotional struggles studying for this exam?

sup, I just wanna share some feelings.
1. I f-king hated the financial accting section and did poorly on all the practice questions in that section. I was reading the book hoping to get a clear understanding and I still cant get it right. One night I just lost it and started ripping up the pages in the text..but the book is so thick that I gave up and started studying again...

I got >70% in FSA in the end...

2. My gf left me after my 2 months into studyung and said I didn't pay enuf attention to her and she "lost the lovin feeling"
I was heart broken but f-k, gotta go back to studying

just something i thought of today when i saw that "pass"...

"Any advice for us taking in DEC?"- start studying now - either your entire weekends, or a good two / three hours on your weekdays. Use a guide - I didn't at first, but then I realized that they really do fill the main texts with a lot of chatter just for the hell of it (or to make the curriculum seem more impressive). I suggest doing a book at the time - do the practice problems after each chapter, and after you are done with the book, do practice exams of that section.

It really is just putting in the time. There is NOTHING "hard" about the exam...then again, very few things are "hard" as long as you build blocks from fundamentals and put other blocks on them. Really though, if you do practice exams, there won't be any moments of "hmmm, need to really think on this one" - it's just reflex, either you know it or don't. Dunno if you see that as good or bad, but it's the way it is.

If you find yourself thinking that you can wing it, take a practice exam to bring yourself down to earth. Do this right away if you get those thoughts.


hmm I had a different kind of struggle . after I took 1 week off before the exam i fell sick the fever and cold persisted for following 5 days ...I was completely on drugs , had thought I have an outside chance of passing ...but exam was too easy and my fever vanished after 1st session ..I passed with all >70 %

congrats to all who passed , those who couldnt go hard at it again , its not a very tough test , not as much as L2 or L3 I feel


The CFA exam is an emotional event for some people? Interesting... If it was causing me to stress out, break up with my gf extra, I would have said f* this and quit.


How do you manage studying 15 hours a day, hui? I'm all spent after 9 hours. And I failed..


wow, you guys are all geniuses......
see yall next June.

I ll be back at the forum in October. thats when i ll start studying for lvl2....(i am a slower learner )


nocareer Wrote:
> How do you manage studying 15 hours a day?
> I'm all spent after 9 hours. And I failed..

Time table during the 4-week bootcamp study. Used coffee or cola, never used Red Bull or alcohol:

6:00am sharp. Woke up and showered, and took 30 minutes morning walk, had good breakfast and coffee. Study in spring months were good because the sunrise were early.

7:00 am - 12:00 noon. Morning study and stay focus, read each chapter and thought how I would apply to real-life, re-read and re-think if necessary until I understood the chapter and LOS. Important: 10-minute break for every 50-minute study.

12:00 noon - 12:30 pm. Lunch break and email time.

12:30pm - 5:30pm. Aftenoon study and repeated the morning pattern, and 50/10 short breaks. Increased caffeine dose to offset sleepy afternoon.

5:30pm - 6:00pm. Dinner break and email time.

6:00pm - 11:00pm. Evening study. No caffeine. Finished at 10:30pm if completed a study session early.

11:00 pm - 6:00am. Slept and rejuvenated body function.

That contributed up to 15 hours each day. I ran errand when absolutely necessary, but limited to no more than 3 hours of total errand time each day.

Good luck.


ohai Wrote:
> Wait, what are you trying to say? That you studied
> too much, or that it's worth being miserable to
> pass the exam?

i was just describing some of the moments that caused me almost to give up.


My grandma was going through a major heart problem two nights before the exam that lasted right up to the exam night. I was running back and forth between hospital and home.

Prior to that, I only had less than two months to cram L1 and was working from 9:00am to midnight every weekday and most weekends (ibanking).

I ended up only having read the schweser notes through once and did 1.5 practice exams before I walked into the exam.

With blessing, I passed with all sections > 70% except for derivatives (which oddly I thought I did well in but not ethics).


passme, congrats to pass.

The word "Pass" from the email proved your decision was correct, and recognized your effort, time, and sacrifice for the exam over other distractors and temptations in your life. The "Pass" worths a $1M.

You also discovered the treasure to know early enough your ex was not the one for you, before you commit too much time and heart. The true one should wholeheartedly and unconditionally support you with the courage, the emotion, the energy, the time and the space you need to fight your worst enemy - the exam. And, should never to tear you apart mentally and emotionally, and blamed you for not spending your most precious resource - your study time - on nonsense things at such critically important war time.

For me, 3 months ago, due to study for other professional exams in March and April, I only have 4 weeks of time to study L1 in May. I studied like hell and bootcamp during those 4 weeks, 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, no exception. Totally put on hold my social life, no MSN, no FB, no TV, no season finales, no malls, no alcohol. Stayed focus, healthy, and sober.

I kept telling myself this during the 4 weeks:
"I need a job. I must pass. I must not get sick. I cannot afford the extra money to fail."

Now, fast forward today, the word "Pass" in the email and all asterisks aligned under the ">70%" column are the best recognition and reward for my efforts.

Good luck in L2.

