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Best study guides for quants

Hi all,

I got smoked in the quants section despite dedicating a large portion of my studying time to it. I find that I can't seem to retain the material as well as I had hoped - can you please recomend the best study guides for quants for someone with no stats and limited mathmatical backgrounds?


In regards to quant, is it required to know all the formulas by heart? I can answer all of the questions using a BA II PLUS to solve TVM, NPV, IRR, Interest Conversion, etc. But, I'm not sure I could remember each formula if a question came up on the exam that required me to know the specific formulas.


I wish the exam was all qunat much better than economics!

Anyways, I would suggest you practice as much as possible .. notes won't change much from one to another for this part especially - so the only way to remember it is to try questions from qbank and mock exams



I dont think it really makes all that much of a difference, from one guide to the next. I mean, how differently can two people word the same concept? Just use whatever guide you have before throwing more money away, and focus instead on time and doing problems (repetition!) until you truly have it down.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 11:11AM by yodacaia.

