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I am deciding whether to take the December or June Level I exam. I'm a lawyer by trade with undergrad in finance but I don't remember any of the substantative material -- certainly not anything quantitative. Any advice? I guess I could take my time studying if I chose June but if 3 months provides sufficient time to pass Level I then why not go for December?

Don't be so hasty man. What are you work hours like? How much time can you put in every week. How many weeks can you take off in November?

I'm not sure how anyone can advise you on this without answers to the questions I just listed.


I think if you took it seriously and gave 100% 3 months would be enough..An analyst in my office just passed last June and only studied for 2 weeks, granted he just graduated with his masters in finance..but still you have 3 months =)


You have 3 months, plenty of time. Everyone is on the CFA bandwagon, hop right in and take it. Sounds like everyone is doing CFA now, guess the december exam will be the largest turnout.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, August 30, 2010 at 02:08PM by allegro-cpa/cfa.


with your background and if you can take it seriously and study around 3 hours everyday for the next 95 days then go for dec

if not, then june will be better

