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THIS guy passed???

CFAGuy Wrote:
> Level 2: Pass
> The table below illustrates your subject matter
> strengths and weaknesses. The three columns on the
> right are marked with asterisks to indicate your
> performance on each question or topic area.
> Item Set Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
> - Alternative Investments 18 * - -
> - Corporate Finance 36 * - -
> - Derivatives 36 * - -
> - Economics 18 * - -
> - Equity Investments 72 * - -
> - Ethical & Professional Standards 36 * - -
> - Financial Statement Analysis 72 *- -
> - Fixed Income Investments 36 * - -
> - Portfolio Management 18 * - -
> - Quantitative Methods 18 * - -


SkipE, nice to catch you on L2 boards again? Did you take it this time around? I trust you're not taking it again with me in 2011.


ha haaa yeah Ditchdigga!!! been in a new role and busy at work. I moved and am living in a new city and adjusting too. I see Joey never came back and there's a lot of new kats around (mostly cool, but a few outliers). The forum is ever evolving.


Thank you AF. Would have never stumbled into the archaic formula without AF.


it must be a joke...

