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Is it too late to break into IB ?

..so what if you are 9 years in FP&A with small corporates close to plucking the CFA fruit and find yourself out of job for 5 months..would you try to break into IB/Capital markets jobs or try to find another pit like the one you were before?
Appreciate if anyone has any thoughts or pointers.

Thanks Guys!
So, with an experience in business analysis and due diligence, 2 yrs in renewable energy, solid corp fin background, MBA from mid tier and hoping to get CFA charter, I am looking for a 'go to market' or 'raise capital' transaction experience. What are the options? if not IB.

BTW, All Glories to the IB Associate!!


can you ask this question on the general forum or the back office, we got peeps trying to get ready for this monster so we no longer have to look at posts such as yours once we bounce from this forum.


If you are in your late 20s or very early 30s, go to a top 5 B-school get an MBA, go to I-banking...has been done by many. CFA is irrelevant for I-banking.

If you are in mid to late 30s, its a tough sell!

Do you really want to do I-banking hours??

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, April 18, 2011 at 07:28PM by onelasttime.


Forget about IB. Their recruiting is extremely rigid - perhaps even close minded. Unless you fit a very specific profile, as alluded to by other people here, you will probably not even be considered for a position. I can't imagine why someone with 9 years of experience would want to start in IB either. If you just graduated from college, you might be ok with being @#$%& around for 90 hours a week. However, it's hard to imagine that this would be desirable to someone in their 30s.

"Capital Markets", on the other hand, has a very broad definition. There are also many tiers of positions within this broad industry. Do you have something specific that you want to do?


ohai Wrote:
> "Capital Markets", on the other hand, has a very
> broad definition. There are also many tiers of
> positions within this broad industry. Do you have
> something specific that you want to do?

hi ohai as stated earlier ..I am much interested in career involving raising capital for companies (public or private), if that makes sense, appreciate your feedback.
I am not on Wall Street so my definition of what I am looking for might appear fuzzy, and you could correct.


I forgot to mention that you should be 22 years old as well.


wake2000 Wrote:
> I forgot to mention that you should be 22 years
> old as well.

oh and would being a 'blonde' help?
I am drinking age reversal cool-aid but gender make over is a no-no for me. Any more ideas?


purple drank


wake2000 Wrote:
> look, you dont need to be a rocket scientist to do
> IB, you just have to have good grades, come from a
> good school, and be presentable(decent-looking, ie
> wear the heck out of a Canali suit)

I get your point wake2000 but 'decent grades', 'decent school' and MBA is past, question is how to get the foot in the door now with a CFA. By the way, I might still need a year of qualifying work exp to get the charter if I pass so I am open for low pay jobs if those help.

