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I passed Level 1 in Dec'2010. I had little hope of passing. studied for 5 months. struggled to study quant my weak area and retention was an issue. had to revise certain areas 3 or 4 times.i could manage only because i started early. yet i could give only 2 mocks.

I can start studying only on 15th Feb.that gives me around 3.5 months. i can devote 20 hours a week. every week till the exam.i am neither the brightest guy around nor am i the dumbest. slow learner but a methodical plodder.age 35.married with a 14 month old daughter.my retention has improved after studying level 1.

possible scenarios are:

1. give level 2 in june 11. , pass.save one year.

2. fail in June 11. would have spent a big sum of money (i live in India it costs a lot in Rupees) and spend more for june 2012 plus the boring task of studying the same stuff all over again.

3. register early for june '12. would be an year late compared to option 1 above but have more time to study at a steady pace.

my choice is between money spent on giving level 2 twice ( hope i don't' have to) or giving myself a chance to have a crack at level 2 this year and pass.my family life suffered when i studied so i don't want it to suffer any more than it has to and age is also a factor to consider.

Suggestions welcome.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 07:14AM by confused2010.

i have the same doubts too.. in singapore

my situation is that I'm starting another job in another organization in march, so i'm not too sure of the work load over there..

the course fee to me is not that issue as my home currency has appreciated much against USD lately.

however my main concern is time and discipline to nail level 2, which has often been described as a different beast. and hearing all the failure stories from my colleagues and friends, who are smarter and more hardworking than me in school have further deepened my confidence..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Friday, January 28, 2011 at 11:21PM by wjpangster.


Confused2010.....I have some advice for you.
Stop wasting time deciding and man up and HIT THE PAVEMENT already bru.
Every day thinking about it is 3+ hours of quality time you can't get back.

A wise mang once told me " DO or DO NOT...there is no try"


I had a chat with Larry Allen of Allen resources. He was very sure that it can be done, this is what he said:

"Absolutely. There's plenty of time, however you have to set a plan, and stick to it. Prep efficiently and practice tons of questions. Larry"


Thanks folks. i am a little closer to deciding what to do. will decide in a day or two.


I had the same doubt, but My dad said, the worst thing that can happen is I will fail. But, it will not be the first time I failed a test. So , I went ahead and registered yesterday. Also from India, so if you want an Indian view as well, you can take mine.


confused2010 Wrote:
> P.S All 3 levels should be available for December.

Are you expressing your personal opinion, or do you have some kind of inside info? Because I haven't heard anything from CFAI about this yet...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 09:56AM by dapoopa.




Go for it. Having 20 hrs a week to study will be enough, but set a progress schedule and don't fall behind. I have a 3 yr old and work full time - where there's a will there's a way! Best to u!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, January 26, 2011 at 04:13PM by Puca.


L2 is a beast there really isnt a lot of shortcuts you can take.....3.5 months is not enough time in my opinion unless you have strong finance/accounting background. If you think your family suffered while studying for level 1 there will be a new level of suffering when u start L 2.

Given your situation I would suggest skip 2011 and write in 2012.

