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Vitalsource (CFAI online text)

Is it just me or does this program suck? I spent 20 minutes trying to get the program open, and I cant download the texts because my work computer doesnt allow me to install their program. Who uses desktop applications anymore? Why dont they just email the PDFs?

It works okay for me. But it is a resource hog, and their print function takes a very long to process. I only print what I need to read on the subway, so I don't have to carry the whole book.


On the iphone I have not been able to download. After several tries (on wifi) it keeps crashing. But you are saying I only have to do it once and then it is on the phone without internet and without downloading again? If thats the case Ill keep trying.


I found the vitalsource Ipad app to be great ... I use it as the primary source of my studies ... and its much better than reading from those heavy CFAI volumes. Downloading is just one time issue, and works pretty fast for wifi.


yodacaia Wrote:
> Is it just me or does this program suck? I spent
> 20 minutes trying to get the program open, and I
> cant download the texts because my work computer
> doesnt allow me to install their program. Who
> uses desktop applications anymore? Why dont they
> just email the PDFs?

You dont have to use the VitalSource program, why don'y you just view the books online at work? No download necessary for this, it's what I do


Im using it with no problems so far...but its a secondary source of reference for me...using schweser notes & videos.


I found it fairly easy to use online. Haven't tried downloading it yet.


i have been using the Vital Source iPad app, seems to work pretty well...


I demanded a refund and got it. The product is not ready for market.


A refund from who?

