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Schweser Book 5/CFAI Book 6

Hey guys, ill be finishing up with SS 15 today hopefully then onto the final book tomorrow.
how did you all find the last three study sessions?

i was thinking it would be simple qualitative and GIPs was pretty basic (in level 1), but im starting to think i might have massively underestimated the last few SS's given some posts/discussions on AF.

Also any opinions on using CFAI vs Schweser for the final book as they both seem similar in length?


thanks for the views. sigh of relief from my end tho still a long way to go and behind SkipE99's joke is an element of truth!

SS16 Thursday, SS17 Friday, Weekend Ethics and GIPs then the game really begins!


imho Schweser for everything pre-GIPS. CFAI for GIPS. Plenty of time! lots of hours in a day. sleep when you're dead...etc

good luck!


ss 16 is not that bad shouldnt take you more than a day if you r doing it from schweser. 17 is a bit confusing at first but make sure u understand the first reading for ss17 before u move on to the next one.


Whenever I do a review of the entire curriculem...... as soon as I get passed study session 15 with the swaps and stuff and see Session 16 I give a sigh of relief.... that should give you an idea.


上一主题:GIPS - terminated portfolio