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发表于 2011-7-11 19:20
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i have schweser vids, mocks, qbank, notes and here is what i gota say
qbank, i dont think i am going to take a look at it
you open it, start a test, your scoring 90+/100, i see no value
it is either i am so smart, i should just close the books....
so the questions are too easy<<< this is more likely
vidoes i have them, but after keeping track with my level 1 studying by using a timer and found that i am more efficient studying from a book, i can cover more material with a better understanding if i am reading, so i am leaving the vids for a review, plus from having seen a few, they do not cover everything
i was following a method of doing schweser notes and the eoc to verify that i get the stuff. but i found a pitfall, the eoc do not test you on every concept in the chapter, and there will be instances where you will answer all of them correctly but you fail to get a concept that schweser skiped on or treated very lightly to where it did not get your attention...
i understand your are from a top 5 MBA
built into that is the fact that you are smart, else you would not have gotten into a top MBA
but dont think a top MBA gives you an educational edge, my school is ranked 350 but i bet if you put a sample from your school against a sample from mine in a test they would out perform maybe by 5%
this top school is a bit overrated, my school uses all the same books as harvard, and most of my professors are harvard grads, and we have a much more diverse student base, so really harvard is not a superior is people assume...
note this is not to dis you or your school, good for you, i will work my a** off to get in a school like yours one day
but it is just to remmind you that the marginal knowledge you have above someone from a lower school is not as much as you think, so you may wana work hard... |