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Only Schweser Videos and QBank for Preparation. Is this enough to pass?

1) Is it good enough to go through only Schweser videos and QBank as preparation for Level 2 exam?

2) Is anybody just relying on only Schweser videos and QBank as preparation for Level 2 exam?

Here is my situation. I have done MBA from Top 5 Business school. I am working full time in risk management at a commercial bank. I joined this job 7 months back just after my MBA. Prior to that I worked in IT field.

I started with Schweser Videos and expected to finish all videos by March 5th. I am wondering what is the best way to use my time and pass the exam considering limited time available for my study due to my full time work. A friend of mine, who passed level 2, mentioned that it is very important to work on as many QBank questions as I can. I would like to get your openion.

Thanks in advance for your help. I really appreciate it.

Thank you all for your advise. I really appreciate it.


i have schweser vids, mocks, qbank, notes and here is what i gota say

qbank, i dont think i am going to take a look at it
you open it, start a test, your scoring 90+/100, i see no value
it is either i am so smart, i should just close the books....
so the questions are too easy<<< this is more likely

vidoes i have them, but after keeping track with my level 1 studying by using a timer and found that i am more efficient studying from a book, i can cover more material with a better understanding if i am reading, so i am leaving the vids for a review, plus from having seen a few, they do not cover everything

i was following a method of doing schweser notes and the eoc to verify that i get the stuff. but i found a pitfall, the eoc do not test you on every concept in the chapter, and there will be instances where you will answer all of them correctly but you fail to get a concept that schweser skiped on or treated very lightly to where it did not get your attention...

i understand your are from a top 5 MBA
built into that is the fact that you are smart, else you would not have gotten into a top MBA

but dont think a top MBA gives you an educational edge, my school is ranked 350 but i bet if you put a sample from your school against a sample from mine in a test they would out perform maybe by 5%

this top school is a bit overrated, my school uses all the same books as harvard, and most of my professors are harvard grads, and we have a much more diverse student base, so really harvard is not a superior is people assume...

note this is not to dis you or your school, good for you, i will work my a** off to get in a school like yours one day

but it is just to remmind you that the marginal knowledge you have above someone from a lower school is not as much as you think, so you may wana work hard...


there are a bunch of hard 6-question vignettes in the Qbank FYI.....some even harder than CFAI EOC questions.


Have a look at vignettes available at FinQuiz.com.


Personally I find QBank far too easy. It's useful as a concept checker and summary review just to keep the retention levels higher, but is too easy to be useful in preparing you for CFAI questions. For that, the EOCs and mocks are better.


Schweser videos do not go into depth (otherwise you will need to have 400 hours of videos) - so you will have significant gaps in learning. Qbank is meant to be testing you on concepts. It is not meant to be an exam question type bank - though there are some item sets. Schweser Practice exams and CFAI mock would be a good indicator.

Couple of people from my work said they passed the Practice exams and Mock but failed the real thing......until I found out that they 'passed' those practice exams on the second try


You wont be able to do EOC for some readings for ex Fixed Income, just watching schweser video. I am doing the same, before I was just doing schweser notes. Now I am blending CFAI texts, Schweser Videos, Schweser Notes and soon secret sauce.

Don't know about Qbank..

