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Net Borrowings

Folks , remember that Net Borrowings for FCFE purposes is the change in long term debt .
Don't get confused with things like "Current portion of Long Term debt" and such. They don't count. Just subtract prev year Long Term Debt from current to get Net Borrowings

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, May 9, 2010 at 12:18AM by janakisri.

so what is included in NB.

LT debt - definitely
ST debt - definitely

Current portion of LT debt - no?


net borrowings also includes short-term debt.


actually its debt issued less any repayments, yet it is captured in LT/ST Debt change, given 2 years of BS data you need both portions to see what was issued


is current portion of long term debt equal to short term debt?

i specifically remember in schweser they take diff between st debt and lt debt.


one is bs and one is income.

one is present value and one is amortization.

I made a mistake in my post above , because I did not check. I used the notes of an Australian dude who was incorrect in his assumptions . I apologize sincerely

