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stupid mistakes -

I've been making quite a few avoidable (in hindsight) mistakes in the Mock exams. The kind of mistakes that when you review the correct answer, you'd say how the hell did I make that mistake?

These are typically the stuff you know well, but for some reason it doesn't click properly when you read/answer the test. For example, there was a test in Elan's mock regarding placing a stop loss buy order which i got wrong although I've been trading currencies for about 4 years now... and that pisses me off.

I was just wondering if we should consider these types of mistakes natural under the pressure of a timed exam or there's really a procedure to at least reduce these mistakes if not eliminate them altogether?


Because of that kind of s* mistakes i failed the exam!

Does anyone know what pills to take for concentration? I am extremely hyperactive and i cant keep my concentration for more than 3-4hours...

I ll start studying for the June exam in January hopefully and this time i ll have everything good planed.


Even I have that tendency to commit such mistakes. But I reduced them lately.

I'd suggest you to guess the answer for such basic questions rather than choosing one from options. It's just like those questions in various competitive exams which are called 'logical completion of idea'.

Once you have produced an answer and it's one among the options, you have a better chance of being accurate.


prophets is right. I did the same thing in the exam booklet when I sat for Level 1 last June, double-underling words like "NOT" when the question asks which is NOT the right answer and circling relevant facts or variables. Even drawing arrows back to the question to make sure I was answering what they were asking.

Figuring out what they're asking is half the battle.

neemonyx.com (or nee.ms)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Saturday, November 27, 2010 at 08:48PM by wbrocks.


The solution is

when you read the question, if you feel that its a piece of cake and breath a sigh of relief ---- thats the moment you should have your guards up and start focussing.
Always worked for me to reduce making careless mistakes on simple questions.


i'm making several of these mistakes per mock and factoring them into my #s. i misread words or misunderstand the question.

some tricks to avoiding this i think are reading each answer carefully, even if i immediately recognize an answer as correct. also, i underline key words in each question w/ my pencil as i go through it like "least likely" or absolutes "always, never."

