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IPS: Return Calculation

When you have a portfolio of assets as follows:

Stocks = $100,000
Bonds = $200,000
Home = $350,000

What is your portfolio size used in return calculations?

When or when do you not include the home in your calculations?

Soccertom9 Wrote:
> Okay phew, just checking.
> Did you find 2007 CFAI hard? Just did it and
> with my partial grading I got 74% and without and
> basically using what you said, 65%.

I took it more as a practice first exam. You will pass don't worry.


Okay phew, just checking.

Did you find 2007 CFAI hard? Just did it and with my partial grading I got 74% and without and basically using what you said, 65%.


If you get 2 right of 3. 2/3 multiplied by total minutes.

It's more of it you right something that isn't dead to the book. I don't give partial credit.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, May 29, 2011 at 11:34AM by Paraguay.


Btw Paraguay, when you say your scores and you don't use partial credit...... lets say there was an example where for 4 marks you have to describe 2 advantages, but you only got 1..... do you get 2/4 still in your method? Or if its the agree / disagree + explain and you got 2 of them right and 1 wrong... do you give 0/9 or 6/9?

Doesn't change anything, but I was just curious what your definition was.

