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Does retabulation ever work?

I sat for level I in Dec 10 and failed ( Band 10).

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
- Alternative Investments 8 * - -
- Corporate Finance 20 - - *
- Derivatives 12 * - -
- Economics 24 - - *
- Equity Investments 24 - - *
- Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * -
- Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - - *
- Fixed Income Investments 28 - - *
- Portfolio Management 12 - - *
- Quantitative Methods 28 - * -

Would you go for retabulation , has it ever worked?

yodacaia Wrote:
> If I were @Redskins44, I would pay the $100. That
> is the guy who was 70+ in all but three sections.
> Give him the 40/60/80 split and he scores a 69.
> He was probably one question away from passing.
> Anyone else is giving the cfai a $100 donation.

That is still a very generious split. It very well could have been 25/50/75.


If I were @Redskins44, I would pay the $100. That is the guy who was 70+ in all but three sections. Give him the 40/60/80 split and he scores a 69. He was probably one question away from passing.

Anyone else is giving the cfai a $100 donation.


Best to move on mate....


I was considering the same. I took the Level 1 exam in Dec as well.

I 'm in band 10.

The reason I'm considering is because when I tore off the answer sheet, the line didn't tear straight on the perforated line. The answer bubbles were still visible, but I'm not sure how it lined up going into the machine.
I was pretty confident in my answers.

Q# Topic Max Pts <=50% 51%-70% >70%
Alternative Investments 8 -* -
Corporate Finance 20 - * -
Derivatives 12 * - -
Economics 24 - * -
Equity Investments 24 - - *
Ethical & Professional Standards 36 - * -
Financial Reporting & Analysis 48 - * -
Fixed Income Investments 28 - - *
Portfolio Management 12 - - *
Quantitative Methods 28 - * -


Nobody on AF (out of probably 1,000+ posters) has EVER had a score reversed by retabulation, and people on the cusp of passing always try anyways. If you failed, you failed. Don't waste your $100.


Search around on the CFAI's website for the official grading process. They have a very detailed writeup of it. The CFAI leaves no stoned unturned. They are about as thorough as you can be when it comes to checking, rechecking, auditing, etc... the results.

The latest shipping fiasco with the Ghana exams is another matter...


I started my CFA journey in December 2007 and passed level 3 in June 2010.

Every 6 months I see this question here. And there is always the same answer: NO.

Nobody never heard of the case when retab improved results.

The only case when its reasonable to go for it is when you are sure that, for example, instead of filling bubbles on answer sheet you crossed them or put dots inside or did whatever, which could have been missed during the automatic scan.

Otherwise just accept it and go for another try.

There is nothing to worry about here - most people fail at least once, some - do it twice or more. It's really difficult and almost everyone who goes into this program is smart, successful and full of ambitions. Still, even in this bunch of talented people 36% pass rate is what we see almost every exam.

