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求助 CFA 的 Sponsor

六月的考试顺利过了三级,但是在申请membership 的时候发现 要两名已经是CFA charter holder 的高人做 sponsor.

本人并不直接认识已是holder 的高人, 不知各路英雄 能否相助,做偶的sponsor, 或指点一二。



楼主理解有一点点偏差.SPONSOR是REGULAR MEMBER就行了,不一定是charter holder.今年考出三级的人里应该有一部分已经是regular member了,不妨再找找看.



准备联络香港 CFA Society 看看。





from CFA institute website

Sponsorship for Applicants in Remote Areas Sponsors play a key role in assessing a potential member’s experience and eligibility. All applicants, regardless of proximity to a member society, must apply to a society for membership and have one sponsor who is a member of that society. Several societies have offered to assist candidates who live in remote geographic areas. Candidates requesting remote society sponsor assistance should expect to undergo a review process that consists of: 1) A written application provided by you (the applicant) to the society, including the following: The name, description, and contact information of your current or previous employer, including a detailed description of how the employer’s activities contribute to, or are involved with, the investment decision-making process. Your job title, along with a written description of your duties and how they contribute to, or are involved with, the investment decision-making process. The information submitted on all work experience forms will be provided to the potential sponsor to review your descriptions of your experience. 2) An assessment by your sponsor of materials you submit, which will help potential sponsors answer questions on the sponsor form. Sponsors may contact you by phone or e-mail for additional clarification regarding your work history. 3) A verification of your current or most recent employer, job description, and tenure. Sponsors may contact your current or former employer(s) by phone, fax, or e-mail to confirm the following information: The name, address, and business of the employing entity Your title and primary job function How long you have been/were in current or former position

