at least I thought it was. Trying to calculate something in the equity section, I typed .3 / (.11 - .07) and got 7.5, but the answer that was the "closest to" was 7.2. Did that happen to anyone else?
that one threw me off. I was talking about that with my friend, how I spent like extra 2 minutes to figure out why there's a 7.5 instead of 7.2. Thought of a possibility of a trick question, but I highly doubt it. Just put 7.5
gjertsen Wrote:
> at least I thought it was. Trying to calculate
> something in the equity section, I typed .3 / (.11
> - .07) and got 7.5, but the answer that was the
> "closest to" was 7.2. Did that happen to anyone
> else?