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Life will not change just bc you passed L1

not 1 iota unless you're already at a shop that gives bonuses for passing each level (and those are few and far between)

but otherwise enjoy the victory take at least the next 3 months OFF FROM CFA before you start preparing for L2 so you can be focused and rejuvinated

November is the absolute earliest you want to start studying for Level 2 unless you put in 500 hours for Level I and barely passed

It's a hard test and therefore its impressive by that merit. It takes preparation over a long-period, discipline, and execution. Of course it isn't the ticket to fame and fortune alone; I don't think anyone here has that mentality.


builders you are quite the negative nancy. A realist perhaps, but half glass empty nonetheless. Let those who passed find out on their own if it opens any doors.


NOOO! My dreams are crushed... And here I thought I'd be able to walk into a bar and use passing level 1 as a successful pick up line...

