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财经词典 ─ 汉英对照


中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
安静申请Quiet FilingThe name given to an IPO filing where important details are intentionally excluded. Sent to the SEC in order to begin the process of issuing a new security, these details must be submitted through amendments. This form of filing generally takes longer than the conventional methods.
安全投资转移Flight to QualityWhen investors move their capital to the safest possible investment vehicle. It is usually caused by uncertainty in the financial markets.
按比例Pro RataUsed to describe a proportionate allocation.


中文词句 English Terms English Definitions
灾难债券Catastrophe BondA high-yield debt instrument that is usually insurance linked and meant to raise money in case of a catastrophe such as a hurricane or earthquake. It has a special condition that states that if the issuer (insurance or reinsurance company) suffers a loss from a particular predefined catastrophe, then the issuer's obligation to pay interest and/or repay the principal is either deferred or completely forgiven.
再保险ReinsuranceThe process of insurance companies insuring underwritten policies with other institutions in order to offset exposure.
在建项目Work in ProgressUncompleted work that has already incurred a capital investment from the company.
  • When a business or person revises their payment schedule for repaying debt.
  • Replacing an older loan with a new loan offering better terms
再投资ReinvestmentUsing dividends, interest, and capital gains earned in a mutual fund investment to purchase additional shares, rather than receiving the distributions in cash.
再投资风险Reinvestment RiskThe risk that future proceeds will have to be reinvested at a lower potential interest rate.
再投资率Reinvestment RateThe rate at which cash flows from fixed-income securities may be reinvested
暂搁发行Shelf OfferingAn SEC provision allowing an issuer to register a new issue security without selling the entire issue at once.
暂搁注册Shelf RegistrationAn term used for the SEC rule 415, which allows a corporation the ability to comply with registration requirements up to 2 years before doing a public offering. The corporation must still file the required annual and quarterly reports to the SEC.
暂缓行使(债权人权利)Forbearance A postponement of loan payments, granted by a lender or creditor, for a temporary period of time. This is done in order to give the borrower time to make up for overdue payments.
增记Write-Up Increasing the book value of an asset because it is undervalued compared to market values.
增加抵押通知OvercollateralizationThe posting of more collateral than is needed
增长股票Growth StockShares in a company whose earnings are expected to grow at an above average rate relative to the market.
增长基金Growth FundA diversified portfolio of stocks that has capital appreciation as its primary goal. It invests in companies that reinvest their earnings for expansion, acquisitions, or research and development.
增长率Growth RatesThe compounded annualized rate of growth of a company's revenues, earnings, dividends, or other figures.
增值Value-AddedThe enhancement a company gives its product or service before offering the product to customers.
摘牌、停止上市DelistingWhen the stock of a company is removed from a stock exchange. Reasons for delisting include violating regulations and failure to meet financial specifications set out by the stock exchange.
债换股交易Debt Equity SwapA refinancing deal where a debt holder gets an equity position in exchange for cancellation of the debt.
债权人Creditor One who extends credit by giving a person or organization permission to borrow money if they promise to pay it back at a later date.
债券Bond债券是一种债务投资,投资者以特定的利率及时期向需要资金的实体(公司或政府)借贷,投资者可获得一份证书,即债券,其中列明投资者可获得的利率(息票)及偿还资金的日期(到期日)。债券的利息一般每六个月(半年)支付一次 企业债券:一家企业发行的债券 市政债券:市政府发行的债券,一般属于免税债券,即投资者无需就收取的利息支付税项,但利率一般较需缴税债券低 美国国库券/政府债券:美国政府发行的债券,被认为是安全的投资,因为债券获得美国税务局担保。美国国库券的利息无需缴付所得税。国库券的年期一般为10年以上,而美国政府票据的年期较短 美国政府票据:政府票据与国库券的唯一分别在于时期,政府票据的年期一般为2至5年
美国短期国库券:时期比国库券及政府票据短,一般为3、6或9个月至2年。短期国库券的利息在到期时支付,价格而根据利息而定 零息票债券:无定期利息的债券,但发行价格相对面值有折让,在到期时才可实现回报
债券等值收益Bond Equivalent Yield (BEY)A calculation for restating semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly discount-bond or note yields into an annual yield. For a fixed income security with a par value of $1000, the calculation is as follows:
1000-Purchase Price
Purchase Price
债券互换Bond SwapA strategy whereby an investor sells a bond and at the same time purchases a different bond with the proceeds from the sale.
债券换新RefundingRetiring an outstanding bond issue at maturity by using money from the sale of a new offering.
债券基金Bond FundA mutual fund whose investment objective is to provide stable income with a minimal risk. It invests in income-producing instruments, which may include corporate, government, or municipal bonds.
债券期权Bond OptionThe same as a stock option except the underlying asset is a bond.
债券评级Bond RatingAn evaluation of the possibility of default by a bond issuer. It is based on an analysis of the issuer's financial condition and profit potential. Bond rating services are provided by, among others, Standard & Poor's, Moody's Investors Service, and Fitch Investors Service.
债务DebtAn amount of money owed from one person or firm to another.
债务偿付比率Debt Service Coverage RatioA ratio often used by bank loan officers when making loans to perspective income property loans.
Net Operating Income
Total Debt Service
债务重组Debt RestructuringA method whereby companies with outstanding debt obligations alter the terms of the debt agreements in order to achieve some advantage.
债务股本比Debt Equity RatioA measure of a company's financial leverage calculated by dividing long term debt by shareholders equity. It indicates what proportion of equity and debt the company is using to finance its assets.
债务积压Debt OverhangA situation where the debt stock of a country exceeds the country's future capacity to repay.
债务人DebtorA company or individual that owes money.
债务人Obligor An entity that has an obligation to pay all principal and interest payments on a debt.
债务融资Debt FinancingWhen a firm raises money for working capital or capital expenditures by selling bonds, bills, or notes to individual and/or institutional investors. In return for lending the money, the individuals or institutions become creditors and receive a promise to repay principal and interest on the debt.
债务证券Debt SecurityA security representing a loan by an investor to an issuer. In return for the loan, the issuer promises to repay the debt on a specified date and to pay interest.
战略联盟Strategic AllianceAn arrangement between two companies who have decided to share resources that one company may not have while holding something that another has
战争债券War BondDebt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war.
账簿管理人Book RunnerThe managing or lead underwriter who maintains the books of securities sold for a new issue.
账面价值Book Value
  • The value at which an asset is carried on a balance sheet. In other words, the cost of an asset minus accumulated depreciation.
  • The net asset value of a company. Calculated by total assets minus intangible assets (patents, goodwill) and liabilities.
账面现行价值Carrying ValueAlso know as "book value," it is a company's total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities, such as debt.
折扣、贴现DiscountThe difference between the lower price paid for a security and the security's face amount at issue.
折扣经纪人Discount BrokerA stockbroker who charges a reduced commission, but provides no investment advice.
折旧、贬值DepreciationAn expense recorded to reduce the value of a long-term tangible asset. Since it is a non-cash expense, it increases free cash flow while decreasing the amount of a company's reported earnings. A decrease in the value of a particular currency relative to other currencies.
折余成本、已折旧成本Depreciated CostCalculated by subtracting the amount of depreciation claimed from the original cost of an asset.
整批[证券]Even LotQuantities established by futures exchanges as benchmarks for quoting commodity prices.
正交易量指数Positive Volume Index (PVI)An index that focuses on days where the volume has significantly increased from the previous day's trading.
证书CertificateAnother name for stock, certificate actually refers to the physical piece of paper representing ownership in a company.
证券SecurityAn instrument representing ownership (stocks), a debt agreement (bonds), or the rights to ownership (derivatives).
证券担保Government SecurityA government debt obligation (local or national) backed by the credit and taxing power of a country with very little risk of default.
证券分析员Security AnalystOne who studies various industries and companies, providing research reports and valuation reports. Analysts make the buy, sell, and hold recommendations.
证券化Securitization The process of creating a financial instrument by combining other financial assets and then marketing them to investors.
证券减值Distressed SecuritiesWhen a company is going through hard times and, as a result, the market value of its securities or assets fall substantially in value.
证券借贷Securities LendingWhen a brokerage lends securities owned by its clients to short sellers.
政府票据Treasury NoteA marketable, fixed-interest rate U.S. Government debt security with a maturity between 1 and 10 years.
指标IndicatorAnything used to predict future financial or economic trends.
指数IndexA statistical measure of the changes in a portfolio of stocks representing a portion of the overall market.
  • The adjustment of the weights of assets in an investment portfolio so that its performance matches that of an index.
  • Linking movements of rates to the performance of an index.
指数基金Index FundA portfolio of investments that are weighted the same as a stock-exchange index in order to mirror its performance. This process is also referred to as indexing.
指数期货Index FuturesA futures contract on a stock or financial index, such as the S&P 500. Each index can have a different multiple for determining the price of the future.
指数期权Index OptionA call or put option on a financial index.
中等市值股票Mid Cap StockShort for "Middle Cap," mid cap refers to stocks with a market capitalization of between $2 billion to $10 billion.?/TD> [/td]
中期Medium TermHolding an asset for an intermediate period of time.
中期股息Interim DividendA dividend payment made before a company's AGM and final financial statements. This declared dividend usually accompanies the company's interim financial statements.
中期票据MTNA note that usually matures in 5-10 years.
中期票据Medium Term Note (MTN)A note that usually matures in 5-10 years.
中央银行Central BankA bank providing services for a country's government and major commercial banks.
种子资金Seed CapitalThe initial equity capital used to start a new venture or business. This initial amount is usually quite small because the venture is still in the idea or conceptual stage.
仲裁ArbitrationAn informal hearing held regarding a dispute. The dispute is judged by a group of people (generally three) who have been selected by an impartial panel. Once a decision has been reached, there is no further appeal process.
周期性股票Cyclical StockUsed to describe a stock that rises quickly when economic growth is strong, and falls rapidly when growth is slowing down.
周期性行业Cyclical IndustryA term describing an industry that is sensitive to the business cycle and price changes. Many cyclical industries produce durable goods such as raw materials and heavy equipment.
周期性失业Cyclical UnemploymentUnemployment resulting from changes in the business cycle.
  • In accounting, the number of times an asset is replaced during a financial period. Often used in terms of inventory or accounts receivable turnover.
  • In the context of securities, for either a portfolio or exchange, the number of shares traded for a period as a percentage of the total shares.
注册财务分析师CFAA professional designation given by the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) that measures the competence and integrity of financial analysts. Candidates are required to pass three levels of exams covering areas such as accounting, economics, ethics, money management, and security analysis.
注册财务分析师Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)A professional designation given by the Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR) that measures the competence and integrity of financial analysts. Candidates are required to pass three levels of exams covering areas such as accounting, economics, ethics, money management, and security analysis.
注册公共会计师CPAA designation by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for those who pass an exam and meet work-experience requirements.
注册公共会计师Certified Public AccountantA designation by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for those who pass an exam and meet work-experience requirements.
注册权Registration RightA contractual right giving investors holding restricted stock the ability to demand that the issuing company register the shares to the SEC, effectively making the stock available for sale to the public.
注册投资顾问Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)An advisor, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, who manages the investments of others.
专属基金Captive FundA fund that provides investment services solely to the one firm holding ownership.
专营经纪人Specialist A person on the trading floor of certain exchanges who holds an inventory of particular stocks. The specialist is responsible for managing limit trades, but does not make information on outstanding limit orders available to other traders.
  • The translation of a convertible security into a predetermined number of shares.
  • A strategy used by future traders whereby they mix the purchase of option and futures contracts.
转换价格Conversion PriceThe price per share at which a convertible security can be converted into common stock.
转换溢价Conversion PremiumThe amount by which the price of a convertible security exceeds the current market value of the common stock into which it may be converted.
转亏为盈、市道转好Turnaround When the poor performance of a company, market, or the economy experiences a positive reversal.
转捩点Inflection PointAn event that changes the way we think and act.
-Andy Grove, Founder of Intel.
转让AssignmentThe transfer of an individual's rights or property to another person or business.
转移特权Exchange PrivilegeWhen a mutual fund shareholder has the opportunity to exchange a fund for another within the same family at no additional cost.
转移投资行业Sector RotationThe action of a mutual fund or portfolio manager shifting assets from one sector of the economy to another.
  • Previously given monies or benefits that are taken back due to specially arising circumstances.
  • A retraction of stock prices or of the market in general.
追踪股票Tracking StockA stock issued by a parent company to create a financial vehicle to track the performance of a particular division or subsidiary.
追踪基金Tracker FundA type of mutual fund that provides the same returns as an index. The fund invests in all the companies within the index according to a market value weighting.
  • A reduction in a company's stated capital.
  • The total capital that is less than the par value of the company's capital stock.
资本保证基金Capital Guarantee FundAn investment vehicle, offered by certain institutions, that guarantees the investor's initial capital investment from any losses.
资本财货Capital GoodsAny goods used by an organization to produce other goods.
资本成本Cost of CapitalThe required return necessary to make a capital budgeting project worthwhile. Cost of capital would include the cost of debt and the cost of equity.
资本充足率Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) A measure of a bank's capital. It is expressed as a percentage of a bank's risk weighted credit exposures.
资本化Capitalize An accounting method used to delay the recognition of expenses by recording the expense as a long term asset.
资本化租赁Capital LeaseA lease considered to have the economic characteristic of asset ownership.
资本回报率Return of CapitalA return from an investment that is not considered income. The return of capital is when some or all of the money an investor has in an investment is paid back to him or her, thus decreasing the value of the investment. This is not a gain of any type because it is not in excess of the original investment.
资本结构调整Recapitalization Restructuring a company's debt and equity mixture without affecting the total amount of balance sheet equity.
资本金基础Capital Base
  • The capital acquired during an IPO, or the additional offerings of a company, plus any retained earnings.
  • An initial investment plus subsequent investments made by an investor into their portfolio.
资本开支Capital ExpenditureFunds used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as property, industrial buildings, or equipment.
资本密集Capital IntensiveA process or industry that requires large sums of financial resources to produce a particular good.
资本票据Capital NoteFixed income products issued by companies as a source of short term debt.
资本升值Capital AppreciationA rise in the market price of an asset.
资本市场Capital MarketsThe market where capital, such as stocks and bonds, are traded.
资本收益Capital GainAn increase in the value of a capital asset (investment or real estate) that gives it a higher worth than the purchase price. The gain is not realized until the asset is sold. A capital gain may be short-term (one year or less) or long-term (more than one year), and must be claimed on income taxes.
资本收益回报率Return On Capital GainsThe return that one gets from an increase in the value of a capital asset (investment or real estate).
资本损失Capital LossThe loss incurred when a capital asset (investment or real estate) decreases in value. The loss is not realized until the asset is sold for a lower price than the purchase price.
资本预算Capital BudgetingThe process of determining whether or not projects such as building a new plant or investing in a long-term venture are worthwhile.
资本帐户Capital AccountThe net result of public and private international investment flowing in and out of a country.
资本主义CapitalismAn economic system that encourages private investment and business, rather than a government controlled economy.
  • Financial assets or the financial value of assets such as cash.
  • The factories, machinery, and equipment owned by a business.
资本资产Capital AssetA long-term asset that is not bought or sold in the regular course of business.
资本资产计价模型Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)A model describing the relationship between risk and expected return. It serves as a model for the pricing of risky securities. CAPM says that the expected return of a security or a portfolio equals the rate on a risk-free security plus a risk premium. If this expected return does not meet or beat the required return then the investment should not be undertaken.
资不抵债InsolvencyWhen a company can no longer meet its debt obligations with another firm or institution.
资产AssetAnything that an individual or a corporation owns that has economic value to its owner. Asset is also a balance sheet item showing what a firm owns.
Assets are bought to increase the value of a firm or benefit the firms operations.
资产偿付比率Asset Coverage RatioA test that determines a company's ability to cover debt obligations with their assets after all liabilities have been satisfied. It is calculated as the following
(Book or liquidation value
of total assets -
intangible assets -
(current liabilities -
short term debt obligations))
Total debt outstanding
资产重新配置Asset RedeploymentThe strategic relocation of company assets in order to increase profitability.
资产抵押证券Asset-Backed SecurityA security backed by notes or receivables against assets other than real estate.
资产分配Asset AllocationThe process of dividing a portfolio among major asset categories, such as bonds, stocks, or cash. The purpose of asset allocation is to reduce risk by diversifying the portfolio.
资产分配基金Asset Allocation Fundtype of mutual fund that splits investment assets among bonds, stocks, and other securities. The goal is to maximize return while minimizing risk.
资产负债表Balance SheetA company's financial statement. It reports the company's assets, liabilities, and net worth at a specific time.
资产负债表以外融资Off Balance Sheet FinancingThe way a company raises money that does not appear on the balance sheet, unlike loans, debt, or equity, which do appear on the balance sheet.
资产负债管理Asset-Liability ManagementA technique employed by companies in coordinating the management of assets and liabilities so that an adequate return may be earned.
资产估值Asset ValuationThe process of determining the current worth of a portfolio, company, investment, or balance sheet item.
资产管理Asset Management
  • The management of the financial assets of a company in order to maximize return.
  • An account at a financial institution that includes checking services, credit cards, debit cards, margin loans, the automatic sweep of cash balances into a money market fund, as well as brokerage services.
资产互换Asset SwapSimilar in structure to a plain vanilla swap, the key difference is the underlying of the swap contract. Rather than regular fixed and floating loan interest rates being swapped, fixed and floating investments are being exchanged.
资产回报率ROAA useful indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. Calculated by dividing a company's annual earnings by its total assets, ROA is displayed as a percentage. Sometimes this is referred to as Return on Investment.
Net Income
Total Assets

Note: Some people add interest expense back into net income when performing this calculation because it measures operating returns before cost of borrowing.
资产回报率Return On Assets (ROA)A useful indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. Calculated by dividing a company's annual earnings by its total assets, ROA is displayed as a percentage. Sometimes this is referred to as Return on Investment.
Net Income
Total Assets

Note: Some people add interest expense back into net income when performing this calculation because it measures operating returns before cost of borrowing.
  • In the context of mutual funds, the total value of the fund's portfolio less liabilities. The NAV is usually calculated on a daily basis.
  • In respect to corporate valuations, the book value of assets less liabilities.
资产净值Net Asset Value (NAV)
  • In the context of mutual funds, the total value of the fund's portfolio less liabilities. The NAV is usually calculated on a daily basis.
  • In respect to corporate valuations, the book value of assets less liabilities.
资产隙Asset PlayAn incorrectly valued stock that is attractive because its combined asset value greater than its market capitalization.
资产周转率Asset TurnoverThe amount of sales generated for every dollar's worth of assets. It is calculated by dividing sales in dollars by assets in dollars.
Total Assets
资金成本Cost of FundsThe interest rate paid on a loan.
资金的时间价值Time Value of MoneyThe basic principle that money can earn interest. Therefore, something that is worth $1 today will be worth more in the future if invested. This is also referred to as future value.
资金过剩OvercapitalizationWhen a company has too much capital for the needs of its business
资金汇回本国RepatriationThe process of converting a foreign currency into the currency of one's own country.
资金消耗率Burn RateThe rate at which a new company uses up its venture capital to finance overhead before generating positive cash flow from operations. In other words, it's a measure of negative cash flow.
资金周转周期Cash Conversion CycleThe duration between the sale of a firm's inventory and the collection of accounts receivable for the sale of that inventory.
子弹式交易Bullet TradeThe act of purchasing an "in the money" put option so that the buyer can capitalize on a bear market by effectively shorting a stock without waiting for an uptick.
子公司、附属公司SubsidiaryA company owned by another company that controls more than 50% of its voting stock.
自动确认交易系统Automated Confirmation Transaction Service (ACT) An automated system designed to document and report the clearing of trades in the Nasdaq market.
自动债券系统Automated Bond System (ABS)The electronic system on the NYSE that records bids and offers for inactively traded bonds. The system continues to monitor until the bonds are cancelled or executed.
自然失业Natural UnemploymentThe long-term sustainable rate of unemployment within an economy.
自由不干预理论Laissez Faire An economic theory from the 18th century that is strongly opposed to any government intervention in business affairs.
自由现金流Free Cash FlowA measure of how much cash a company has after paying its bills for ongoing activities and growth.
自由资金交易Proprietary TradingWhen a firm trades for direct gain instead of commission dollars. Essentially, the firm has decided to profit from the market rather than commissions from processing trades.
综合企业Conglomerate A company that consists of a grouping of businesses from unrelated streams.
总费率Gross SpreadThe difference between the underwriting price received by the issuing company and the actual offering price to the public.
总分类账General LedgerA company's accounting records. It contains all of the financial accounts and statements
总企业价值Total Enterprise Value (TEV)A valuation measurement used to compare companies with varying levels of debt. This is calculated as:
TEV = Market Capitalization + Interest Bearing Debt + Preferred Stock - Excess Cash.
总市值Market CapitalizationThe total dollar value of all outstanding shares. It's calculated by multiplying the number of shares times the current market price. This term is often referred to as market cap.
总收入Total RevenueTotal sales and other revenue for a particular period.
  • The dollar amount of sales during a specific period, including discounts and returned merchandise. It is the "top line" figure from which costs are subtracted to determine net income.
  • When evaluating stocks, revenue growth serves as an indication of a company's health.
总税项Total TaxThe complete amount of taxes an individual owes for a particular year after all credits have been deducted.
总投资现金回报率Cash Return on Gross Investment - (CROGI)A measure of financial performance calculated as gross cash flow after taxes divided by gross investment.
总销售额Gross SalesThe overall sales which are not adjusted for discounts or returns. Gross sales is usually used for consumer retail firms.
总效用Total UtilityThe full satisfaction of consumers wants or needs through the consumption of specific goods or services.
总行使价格Aggregate Exercise PriceThe strike price of a put or call option multiplied by its contract size.
总债务与总资产比率Total Debt to Total AssetsUsed to measure a company's financial risk by determining how much of the company's assets have been financed by debt. Calculated by adding short-term and long-term debt, and then dividing by a company's total assets.
  • The sum of a corporation's stock, long-term debt, and retained earnings.
  • A company's outstanding shares multiplied by its share price, better known as market capitalization.
纵向合并Vertical MergerA merger between two companies producing different goods or services for one specific finished product.
纵向市场Vertical MarketA focused market that is only able to meet the need of one specific industry.
纵向整合Vertical IntegrationWhen a company expands its business into areas that are at different points of the same production path.
租回已出售财产Leaseback An arrangement where the seller of an asset leases back the same asset from the purchaser.
租赁LeaseAn agreement in which one party gains a long-term rental agreement, and the other party receives a form of secured long-term debt.
最低额FloorThe lowest acceptable limit as restricted by controlling parties.
最低叫价Best AskThe lowest quoted offer for a particular stock among all competing market makers.
最低预期回报率Hurdle RateThe minimum amount of return that a person requires before they will make an investment in something.
最高出价Best BidThe highest quoted bid for a particular stock among all competing market makers.
最高利率Interest Rate CeilingThe absolute maximum rate of interest that a financial institution can charge for an adjustable rate mortgage or loan. This is regulated by the government.
最后担保BackstopTo provide last-resort support or security in a securities offering.
最佳价格规则Best Price RuleAn SEC regulation that requires shares tendered for an offer to be paid equally and maintain the same consideration.
最佳执行Best ExecutionThe responsibility of brokers to provide the most advantageous execution of an order.
最优惠利率Prime RateThe interest rate that commercial banks charge their prime or most credit worthy customers, generally the large corporations.
最终股息Final Dividend The final dividend declared at a company's Annual General Meeting (AGM) for any given year. This amount is calculated after all financial statements are recorded and the directors are aware of the company's profitability and financial health.
最终价值Terminal ValueThe value of an investment at the end of a period, taking into account a specified rate of interest.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
压力测试Stress TestingSimulative techniques used on asset and liability portfolios to determine their reactions to different financial stresses.
亚洲式期权Asian OptionAn option whose payoff depends on the average price of the underlying asset over a certain period of time.
延长风险Extension RiskThe risk of a security lengthening in duration due to the deceleration of prepayments.
研究开发R&DA company's activities that are directed at developing new products or procedures
研究及开发Research and Development (R&D)A company's activities that are directed at developing new products or procedures
衍生工具DerivativeA security, such as an option or futures contract, whose value depends on the performance of an underlying security.
羊群心理Herd InstinctCharacterized by a lack of individuality, herd mentality is associated with people thinking and acting like the general population.
扬基存款证Yankee CDA CD (Certificate of Deposit) issued in the U.S. market, typically New York, by a branch of a foreign bank.
扬基债券Yankee BondForeign bonds denominated in U.S. Dollars and issued in the United States by foreign banks and corporations.
养老金固定缴款计划Defined Contribution PlanA retirement plan wherein a certain amount or percentage of money is set aside each year for the benefit of the employee. There are restrictions as to when and how you can withdraw these funds without penalties.
养老金固定收益计划Defined Benefit Pension PlanAn employer-sponsored retirement plan for which retirement benefits are based on a formula indicating the exact benefit that one can expect upon retiring. Investment risk and portfolio management are entirely under the control of the company. There are restrictions on when and how you can withdraw these funds without penalties.
要求储备金Required Reserves Requirements regarding the amount of funds that banks must hold in reserve against deposits made by their customers. This money must be in the bank's vaults or at the closest Federal Reserve Bank.
要求回报率Required Rate Of ReturnThe rate of return needed to induce investors to invest in a security.
业务重组RestructuringA major business modification, usually associated with personnel downsizing and asset revaluation.
1940年投资公司法Investment Company Act of 1940Created in 1940 through an act of Congress, this piece of legislation clearly defines the responsibilities and limitations placed upon fund companies that offer investment products to the public.
一般义务债券General Obligation BondA municipal bond backed by the credit and "taxing power" of the issuing jurisdiction, rather than the revenue from a given project.
一般折旧制度General Depreciation SystemThe most commonly used system for calculating depreciation. Personal property is depreciated using the declining-balance method, which involves applying the depreciation rate against the undepreciated balance.
一级资本Tier 1 CapitalA term used to describe the capital adequacy of a bank. Tier I capital is core capital, this includes equity capital and disclosed reserves.
144A 条例Rule 144AAn SEC rule that modified a two-year holding period requirement on privately placed securities by permitting Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) to trade these positions among themselves.
一次性偿还Bullet RepaymentA single payment for an entire loan amount that is paid at maturity.
一次总付分配Lump Sum DistributionA one time payment for the entire amount due, rather than breaking payments into smaller installments. Some lump-sum distributions receive special tax treatment.
遗赠,遗产Bequest The process of giving stocks, bonds, or any other assets to the beneficiary of a will.
已充分反映实值Fully ValuedA stock that has reached a price that accurately reflects the strength of the company.
已动用资本回报率ROCE A ratio that indicates the efficiency and profitability of a company's capital investments.
Calculated as:
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)
(Capital employed + Short term
borrowings - Intangible assets)
已动用资本回报率Return On Capital Employed (ROCE)A ratio that indicates the efficiency and profitability of a company's capital investments.
Calculated as:
Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT)
(Capital employed + Short term
borrowings - Intangible assets)
已发行股票Shares OutstandingThe number of shares that are currently owned by investors. This includes restricted shares (shares owned by the company's officers and insiders) and shares held by the public. Shares that the company has repurchased are not considered outstanding stock.
已缴资本Paid-Up CapitalThe state of a settlement when all payment obligations for a security has been completed.
已解除债务的破产人Discharge in BankruptcyWhen a bankrupt person or company is legally free and clear of any obligation to repay certain debts.
已售商品成本COGSAn expense that reflects the cost of the product or good that generates revenue for a company. Sometimes referred to as "Cost of Sales."
已售商品成本Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)An expense that reflects the cost of the product or good that generates revenue for a company. Sometimes referred to as "Cost of Sales."
以房地产抵押作担保的证券Mortgage Backed Securities An investment instrument that represents ownership of an undivided interest in a group of mortgages. Principal and interest from the individual mortgages are used to pay principal and interest on the MBS.
以公共福利为目的Pro BonoTo work for the good of the public rather than for a profit or income.
以合理价格增长Growth At A Reasonable Price (GARP)GARP investing combines the two successful strategies of value and growth investing. The name really says it all, GARP investors look for a stock with growth potential, but only if it is reasonably priced.
以活动为基础的预算案Activity Based BudgetingMethod of budgeting in which activities that incur costs in each function of an organization are established and relationships are defined between activities. This information is then used to decide how much resource should be allocated to each activity.
以活动为基础的管理Activity Based ManagementUsing an activity-based costing system to improve the operations of an organization.
以价值为基础的定价Value-Based PricingA pricing strategy whereby a product's price is actively dependant upon its demand.
以市值计价Mark to Market (MTM)
  • Recording the price or value of a security, portfolio, or account to reflect the current market value.
  • An accounting method that relates to how a trader calculates their trading gains and losses, and how these gains and losses are reported on the trader's income tax returns.
以物易物BarterThe process of trading goods and services without the use of money.
  • The total cost of an option.
  • The difference between the higher price paid for a security and the security's face amount at issue.
溢价债券Premium BondA bond that is valued at more than its face amount.
意外与健康福利Accident and Health BenefitsFringe benefits provided by for employees for sickness, accidental injury, or accidental death. These benefits include payment of hospital and medical expenses as well as income payments.
意向书Letter of IntentA letter that describes in detail a corporation's intention to act on something.
银行保险Bank InsuranceA public or private corporation that guarantees deposits up to a specified amount if the bank goes bankrupt.
银行出售保险BancassuranceA French term referring to the selling of insurance through a bank's established distribution channels.
银团贷款Syndicated LoanA very large loan in which a group of banks work together to provide funds for one borrower. There is usually one lead bank that takes a small percentage of the loan and syndicates the rest to other banks.
银行担保Bank GuaranteeA guarantee from a lending institution that the liabilities of a debtor will be met. In other words, if the debtor fails to settle a debt, the bank will cover it.
银行挤兑Bank runWhen numerous bank customers try to withdrawal their bank deposits simultaneously and the bank's reserves are not sufficient to cover the withdrawals.
银行利率Bank RateThe rate at which central banks lend funds to national banks.
银行投资合约Bank Investment Contract (BIC)A security with an interest rate guaranteed by a bank. It provides a specific yield on a portfolio over a specified period.
隐含波动性Implied Volatility (IV)The estimated volatility of a stock's price.
隐含成本Implicit CostA cost that is represented by lost opportunity in the usage of a company's own resources, excluding cash.
隐含价值Embedded ValueA common valuation method outside North America. It is based on the sum of tangible book value plus the (present) value of the in-force block.
隐含期权Embedded OptionAn option that is an inseparable part of another instrument. Compare this to a normal (or bare) option, which trades separately from the underlying security.
隐名合伙人Silent PartnerAn investor who does not have any management responsibilities but provides capital and shares liability for any losses experienced by the entity.
印花税Stamp DutyAn ad-valorem or flat rate charged upon certain documents.
应付账款天数Days Payable Outstanding (DPO)A company's average payable period. Calculated as:

Notice that the formula may also be written as: accounts payable / (cost of sales/number of days).
应课税收入Taxable IncomeThe amount of net income used in calculating income tax.
应课税收益Taxable GainThe portion of a sale that is liable to taxation.
应收账款净额Net ReceivablesA company's accounts receivable (money owed to the company) minus any provisions for bad debts.
应收账款周转率Receivable Turnover Ratio An accounting measure used to quantify a firm's effectiveness in extending credit and success in collection of debts.
应收账款Accounts Receivable (AR)Money that is owed by customers.Having receivables means that the company has made the sale but has yet to collect the money
应收账款天数Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)A company's average payable period. Calculated as:

Notice that the formula may also be written as: accounts receivable / (credit sales/number of days).
盈利EarningsThe net income of a company during a specific period. Generally, but not necessarily, referring to after-tax income.
盈利倍数Earnings MultiplierThe estimated price-earnings ratio adjusted for the current level of interest rates.
盈利不符预测Earnings SurprisesWhen the earnings reported in a company's quarterly or annual report are above or below analysts' earnings estimates.
盈利收益Earnings YieldThe earnings per share for the most recent 12 months divided by market price per share.
盈利预测Earnings EstimateAn analyst's estimate for a company's future quarterly or annual earnings
盈利质量Quality of EarningsThe amount of earnings attributable to higher sales or lower costs rather than artificial profits created by accounting anomalies such as inflation of inventory.
盈利资产Earning AssetsAny income earning asset owned by a company.
营运比率Operating Ratioratio that shows the efficiency of management. Calculated as:
Operating Expense
Net Sales

The smaller the ratio, the greater the organization's ability to generate profit if revenues decrease.
营运贡杆Operating LeverageA measurement of the degree to which a firm or project relies on fixed rather than variable costs.
营运净收入NOIA company's operating income minus income taxes and minority interest.
营运净收入Net Operating Income (NOI)A company's operating income minus income taxes and minority interest.
营运开支Operating ExpensesThe essential things that a company must purchase in order to maintain business.
营运利润率Operating MarginCalculated by dividing a company's operating profit by net sales.
营运收入Operating IncomeThe profit realized from a business' own operations.
营运现金流Operating Cash Flow (OCF)The cash generated from the operations of a company. In general terms, it is defined as revenues less all operating expenses.
Operating cash flow is calculated through a series of adjustments to net income. It can be found on the statement of cash flows. ?
营运资金Working CapitalA valuation metric that is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities.
营运资金周转率Working Capital TurnoverA measurement comparing the depletion of working capital with the generation of sales over a given period.
营运租赁Operating LeaseA lease contract that allows the use of an asset, but does not convey rights similar to ownership of the asset.
影子评级Shadow RatingThe name given to a bond rating performed on an issuing party by a credited institution, but without any public announcement of the results. A rating given by S&P to Israel Bonds, which are not permitted to be traded on the secondary market.
影子定价Shadow PricingThe arbitrary assignment of dollar values to non-marketed goods.
硬货币Hard CurrencyA currency, usually from a highly industrialized country, that is widely accepted around the world.
硬通货贷款Hard LoanA foreign loan that must be paid in the currency of a nation that has stability and a reputation abroad for economic strength (a hard currency).
硬着陆Hard LandingA term used to describe an economy going into recession as the government attempts to slow down inflation.
佣金CommissionA service charge assessed by an agent in return for arranging the purchase or sale of a security or real estate. The commission must be fair and reasonable, considering all the relevant factors of the transaction. Commissions vary widely from broker to broker.
佣金行Commission HouseA brokerage or merchant firm which buys and sells futures contracts for customer accounts.
永久债券Perpetual BondA bond with no maturity date. Perpetual bonds are not redeemable, instead they pay a steady stream of interest forever.
优化改组RationalizationA reorganization of a company in order to increase its efficiency. This reorganization may lead to an expansion or reduction in company size, a change of policy, or an alteration of strategy pertaining to particular products.
优先股Preferred StockA class of ownership in a corporation with a stated dividend that must be paid before dividends to common stock holders. Preferred stock does not usually have voting rights
优先权Preemptive RightThe right of a company's existing common shareholders to have the first chance to purchase shares in a company's future stock issuance.
优先权Right Of First RefusalIn general, the right of a person or company to purchase something before the offering is made available to others.
游资、闲置资金Idle FundsMoney that is not invested and, therefore, earning no income. For example, funds in a checking account.
有担保股票Guaranteed StockCommon or preferred stock whose dividends are guaranteed.
有抵押票据Secured NoteA bilateral lending agreement, the note represents a contractual obligation to lend and borrow money at a specified interest rate.
有抵押债务Secured DebtDebt backed or secured by collateral in order to reduce the risk associated with lending.
有价证券Marketable SecuritiesVery liquid securities that can be converted into cash quickly at a reasonable price
有上限期权Capped OptionAn option with a pre-established profit cap. A capped option is automatically exercised when the underlying security closes at or above (for a call) or at or below (for a put) the Option's cap price.
有条件买回条款Provisional Call FeatureA feature in a convertible issue that allows the issuer to call the issue during the non-call period if the stock reaches a certain price.
有息票债券Coupon BondA debt obligation with coupons attached that represent semiannual interest payments.
有限合伙Limited PartnershipTwo or more partners formed to conduct a business jointly, and in which one or more of the partners is liable only to the extent of the amount of money they have invested. Limited partners do not receive dividends, but enjoy direct access to the flow of income and expenses.
有限责任公司LLCA corporate structure whereby the shareholders of the company have a limited liability to the firms actions.
有限责任公司Limited Liability Company (LLC)A corporate structure whereby the shareholders of the company have a limited liability to the firms actions.
有限制股票Restricted StockInsider holdings that are under some other kind of sales restriction. Restricted stock must be traded in compliance with special SEC regulations
有效期限Effective DurationA duration calculation for bonds with embedded options. Effective duration takes into account that expected cash flows will fluctuate as interest rates change.
有效收益率Effective YieldA bond's yield assuming that you reinvest the coupon (interest payments) once you've received payment.
有效税率Effective Tax RateThe rate a taxpayer would be taxed at if taxing was done at a constant rate, instead of progressively.
Calculated as total tax paid divided by taxable income.
有形资产净值Net Tangible AssetsCalculated as total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities.
有形资产Tangible AssetCalculated as total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities.
预测Forecasting The process of analyzing historical and current data in order to determine future trends.
预定的违约金Liquidated DamagesPresent in certain legal contracts, this provision allows for the payment of a specified sum should one of the parties be in breach of contract.
  • The payment of a debt obligation prior to its due date.
  • The excess payment over a scheduled debt repayment amount.
预付风险Prepayment RiskThe uncertainty related to unscheduled prepayment in excess of scheduled principal repayment.
预计寿命Life Expectancy
  • The age until which a person is expected to live.
  • The remaining number of years an individual is expected to live according to IRS life expectancy tables.
预见性盈利Forward Looking EarningsAnalyst forecasts used in the context of a P/E ratio based on forward (expected) earnings rather than on the trailing earnings (which is quoted more often).
预扣(税)WithholdingAny tax that is taken directly out of an individual's wages or other income before he or she receives the funds.
预扣(税)Withholding TaxThe amount of income tax an employer is required to withhold from an employee's salary.
预期回报率Expected ReturnThe average of a probability distribution of possible returns
预期债券票据Bond Anticipation Note (BAN)Short term interest bearing securities issued in the anticipation of larger approaching bond issues.
预算案BudgetAn estimation of an organization's revenue and expenses over a specified period of time.
预先包装的破产Prepackaged BankruptcyWhen a company prepares a reorganization plan that is negotiated and voted on by creditors and shareholders before the company actually files for bankruptcy
员工供款计划Employee Contribution PlanA company sponsored retirement plan where employees make deposits (contributions) to an account. Contributions are deducted from employee's pay, and some companies match payments.
远期掉期Forward SwapA swap agreement created through the synthesis of two different swaps, differing in duration, for the purpose of fulfilling the specific timeframe needs of an investor.
远期合约Forward ContractA cash market transaction in which delivery of the commodity is deferred until after the contract has been made. Although the delivery is made in the future, the price is determined at the initial trade date.
远期价格Forward PriceA predetermined price that makes a forward contract worthless to both parties.
远期利率Forward RateThe amount that a currency, commodity, or some other asset will cost to deliver sometime in the future.
远期利率协议Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)A forward contract that determines an interest rate to be paid or received on an obligation beginning at a start date sometime in the future.
远期市场Forward MarketA term used to describe the over-the-counter trading of forward contracts.
运用资本Capital Employed
  • The total amount of capital used for the acquisition of profits.
  • The value of all the assets employed in a business.
  • Fixed assets plus working capital.
  • Total assets less current liabilities.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
息票CouponThe interest rate stated on a bond when it's issued. The coupon is typically paid semiannually.
稀有Scarcity The basic economic problem, which arises from people having unlimited wants while there are and always will be limited resources. Because of scarcity, various economic decisions must be made to allocate resources efficiently.
洗黑钱Money LaunderingThe process by which large amounts of money illegally obtained from drug trafficking, terrorist activity, or other serious crimes, is given the appearance of having originated from a legitimate source.
系统性风险Systematic Riskrisk that influences a large number of assets.
下调评级DowngradeA negative change in the rating of a security.
下游DownstreamRefers to oil and gas operations after the production phase and through to the point of sale.
先进先出First In, First Out (FIFO)An inventory management and valuation method where the products acquired first are the ones sold first.
先投资,后调查Invest, Then InvestigateAn investment strategy where investors immediately purchase a stock and then do research and due diligence afterwards.
闲置时间Idle TimeUnproductive time spent by employees due to factors beyond their control.
现货Cash CommodityThe term used to refer to the actual or physical commodity underlying a futures contract.
现货即期价格Spot PriceThe current price at which a particular commodity can be bought or sold at a specified time and place.
现货商品Spot CommodityA commodity traded on the spot market. That is, with the expectation of actual delivery, as opposed to a commodity future that is usually not delivered.
现货市场Cash MarketThe market for a cash commodity or actual, as opposed to its futures contract.
现货市场Spot Market
  • A commodities market in which goods are sold for cash and delivered immediately.
  • A futures transaction which will expire in 1 month or less.
现金CashLegal tender or coins that can be used in exchange goods, debt, or services. Sometimes also including the value of assets that can be converted into cash immediately, as reported by a company.
现金的现金回报率Cash on Cash ReturnA rate of return often used in real estate transactions. The calculation determines "cash income" on "cash invested."
Annual Dollar Income
Total Dollar Investment
现金股息Cash DividendMoney paid to stockholders, normally out of the corporation's current earnings or accumulated profits. All dividends must be declared by the board of directors, and are taxable income to the recipients.
现金及现金等价物Cash And Cash EquivalentsAn element recorded on the balance sheet, it reports the value of cash and its equivalents. These are assets that are cash or can be converted into cash immediately.
现金价格Cash PriceThe price of the purchase and delivery of cash commodities.
现金流Cash FlowThe amount of cash a company generates and uses during a period, calculated by adding noncash charges (such as depreciation) to the net income after taxes. Cash Flow can be used as an indication of a company's financial strength.
It is also sometimes referred to as the "money value" of trades in a stock during a trading day
现金每股盈利Cash EPSA ratio derived from operating cash flow divided by diluted shares outstanding.
现金投资Cash InvestmentShort-term obligations, usually ninety days or less, that provide a return in the form of interest payments.
现金余额养老金计划Cash Balance Pension PlanAn employee pension plan whereby an employer will credit the participant's account with a set percentage of their yearly compensation plus interest charges.
现金预算Cash BudgetAn estimation of the cash inflows and outflows for a business.
现时价格Current PriceThe "real time" price of a security trading on an exchange.
现时年期Current MaturityThe interval between the present date and the maturity date of a bond.
现时收益率Current YieldAnnual income (interest or dividends) divided by the current price of the security.
现值Present ValueThe amount today that a sum of money in the future is worth, given a specified rate of return.
相对实力Relative StrengthA measure of price trend that indicates how a stock is performing relative to other stocks in its industry. It is calculated dividing the price performance of a stock by the price performance of an appropriate index for the same time period.
相对市盈率比率Price-Earnings RelativeA stocks price-earnings ratio divided by the price-earnings ratio for a market measure, such as the S&P 500 index or Wilshire 5000.
  • In options, the security that must be delivered if a put or call option is exercised.
  • In equities, the common stock that underlies certain types of securities such as warrants and convertible bonds
项目融资Project FinanceProject finance is defined by the The International Project Finance Association (IPFA) as:
The financing of long-term infrastructure, industrial projects and public services based upon a non-recourse or limited recourse financial structure where project debt and equity used to finance the project are paid back from the cashflow generated by the project.
消费物价指数CPIA measure of price changes in consumer goods and services such as gasoline, food, and automobiles
消费物价指数Consumer Price Index (CPI)A measure of price changes in consumer goods and services such as gasoline, food, and automobiles
消费信贷Consumer CreditA debt that someone incurs for the purpose of purchasing a good or service.
消费者信心指数Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) A survey of consumer confidence by the Conference Board. It measures how optimistic or pessimistic consumers are with respect to the economy in the near future.
销记、注销Write-OffTo charge an asset amount to expense or loss in order to reduce the value of that asset and one's earnings.
销售报酬ConcessionA selling group's compensation in an underwriting (on a per-share or per-bond basis).
销售额与现金流比率Sales to Cash Flow RatioA ratio that indicates whether or not a company's sales are high in comparison to its cash flow.
Calculated as:
Sales per Share
Cash Flow per Share
销售回报率Return On Sales (ROS)A widely used ratio that detects operational efficiency. It is calculated by dividing net income before interest and tax by the sales.
销售及行政开支Selling, General, & Administrative Expenses (SG&A)Reported on the Income Statement, it is all the costs associated with selling and the general expenses of running the business.
销售税Sales TaxA tax that is imposed on the sale price of a retail good or services.
效益比例Efficiency RatioA ratio used to calculate a bank's efficiency. Not all banks calculate the efficiency ratio the same way. We've seen the ratio calculated as all of the following:
  • non-interest expense divided by total revenue less interest expense
  • non-interest expense divided by net interest income before provision for loan losses
  • non-interest expense divided into revenue
  • operating expenses divided by fee income plus tax equivalent net interest income
For all versions of the ratio, an increase means the company is losing a larger percentage of its income to expenses. If it is getting lower, it is good for the bank and its shareholders.
效益成本比率Benefit Cost Ratio - (BCR)A ratio attempting to clearly identify the relationship between the cost and benefits of a proposed project.
协同效应SynergyUsed mostly in the context of mergers and acquisitions, synergy is the idea that the value and performance of two companies combined will be greater than the sum of the separate individual parts.
新经济New EconomyA buzzword describing the new, high growth industries that are on the cutting edge of technology and are the driving force of economic growth.
新闻稿Press ReleaseIf it's an earnings press release, the release will discuss the financial results of the company for the recently completed quarter and may provide comments from management. Press releases often list valuable contact information that can assist you in your research, such as the company's web address.
新兴市场基金Emerging Market FundA mutual fund investing a majority of its assets in the financial markets of a developing country, typically a small market with a short operating history.
信贷额度、资金设施FacilityA term used to describe financial assistance programs offered by lending institutions to help companies requiring capital.
信贷额度、信贷限额Line of CreditAn arrangement between a financial institution (usually a bank) and a customer establishing a maximum loan balance that the bank will permit the borrower to maintain.
信贷风险Credit RiskThe possibility of a loss occurring due to the financial failure to meet contractual debt obligations.
信贷违约掉期Credit Default SwapA swap designed to transfer the credit exposure of fixed income products between parties.
信贷息差Credit Spread
  • The spread between Treasury securities and non-Treasury securities that are identical in all respects except for quality rating.
  • An options strategy where a high premium option is sold and a low premium option is bought on the same underlying security.
  • A contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now, with the agreement to repay the lender at some date in the future. Also, the borrowing capacity of an individual or company.
  • An accounting entry system that either decreases assets or increases liabilities.
信贷衍生工具Credit DerivativePrivately held negotiable bilateral contracts that allow users to manage their exposure to credit risk. Credit Derivatives are financial assets like forward contracts, swaps, and options for which the price is driven by the credit risk of economic agents (private investors or governments).
信托TrustA fiduciary relationship in which one person, a trustee, holds title to property or assets for the benefit of another person, the beneficiary
信用合作社Credit UnionMember-owned financial co-operative. These institutions are created and operated by its members and profits are shared amongst the owners.
信用卡Credit CardA card allowing someone to make a purchase on borrowed money. Credit cards are one of the most popular forms of payment for consumer goods and services in the United States.
信用评级Credit RatingAn assessment of the credit worthiness of individuals and corporations. It is based upon the history of borrowing and repayment, as well as the availability of assets and extent of liabilities.
信用悬崖Credit CliffA slang term meaning that credit deterioration could be compounded by provisions such as rating triggers or financial covenants. These can put pressure on the company's liquidity or its business to a material extent.
信用证Letter of CreditA letter from a bank guaranteeing that a buyer's payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount.
行为经济学Behavioral Economics A field of economics that studies how the actual decision-making process influences the decisions that are reached.
行为金融学Behavioral FinanceA field of finance that proposes psychology-based theories to explain stock market anomalies. Within behavioral finance it is assumed that the information structure and the characteristics of market participants systematically influence their investment decisions as well as market outcomes.
行使价格Strike PriceThe stated price per share for which underlying stock may be purchased (for a call) or sold (for a put) by the option holder upon exercise of the option contract.
行使、执行ExerciseAn action by a stockholder taking advantage of a privilege offered by a company or other financial institution. This includes warrants, options, and other exotic financial instruments.
熊市Bear MarketA market in which prices of a certain group of securities are falling or are expected to fall. Although figures can vary, a downturn of 15%-20% or more in multiple indexes (Dow or S&P 500) is considered a bear market.
需求DemandA consumer's desire and willingness to pay for a good or service.
需求的价格弹性Price Elasticity of DemandPrice Elasticity measures the responsiveness of the quantity demanded of a good to a change in its price. It is calculated as:
% Change in Quantity Demanded
% Change in Price
需求建档Book BuildingThe process by which the offer price of an IPO is based on actual demand from institutional investors.
宣告(合约)无效、废止契约Defeasance A provision that voids a bond or loan when the borrower sets aside cash or bonds sufficient enough to service the borrower's debt.
选出最有利的(投资等)Cherry Picking
  • The act of investors choosing investments that have performed well within another portfolio in anticipation that the trend will continue.
  • Relating to bankruptcy proceedings whereby the courts uphold contracts favorable to bankrupt companies, but annul those that are unfavorable.
循环信贷Revolving CreditA line of credit where the customer pays a commitment fee and is then allowed to take and repay funds at will. It is usually used for operating purposes, fluctuating each month depending on revenues and expenditures
迅速换手投资者FlipperA short-term investor or day trader who buys pre IPO shares, swiftly spinning them out into public markets for a quick profit.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
外包Outsourcing A practice used by different companies to reduce costs by transferring portions of work to outside suppliers rather than completing it internally.
外币效应Foreign Currency EffectsThe extent to which the changes in a foreign currency affects the return on a foreign investment.
外部董事Outside DirectorAny member of a company's board of directors who is not an employee or stakeholder in the company.
外国直接投资Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)An investment abroad, usually where the company being invested in is controlled by the foreign corporation.
外汇ForexThe common term for the foreign exchange market. Brokerage firms and banks are connected over an electronic network that allows them to convert the currencies of most countries.
外汇FXThe common term for the foreign exchange market. Brokerage firms and banks are connected over an electronic network that allows them to convert the currencies of most countries.
外汇率Exchange RateThe price of one country's currency expressed in another country's currency. In other words, the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another.
外在价值Extrinsic ValueThe difference between the option value and the intrinsic value.
完全竞争Perfect CompetitionA market structure in which:
  • All firms sell an identical product.
  • All firms are price takers.
  • All firms have a relatively small market share.
  • Buyers know the nature of the product being sold and the prices charged by each firm.
  • The industry is characterized by freedom of entry and exit.
网上银行Online BankingThe performance of banking activities via the Internet.
往后定价Back PricingA method used in specific futures contracts whereby the price of the commodity to be delivered is priced by the purchaser at some future date after entering into the position.
微观经济Microeconomics The study of the allocation of resources and the distribution of income, and how they are affected by the workings of government policies and the price system.
微型市值股票Micro Cap StockMicro cap refers to a company with a market capitalization of between $50 million to $300 million.
围栏策略Ring FenceA strategy where an investor isolates a certain amount of money from any outside risk. It is mainly used by offshore investors.
委托人TrustorAn individual or organization that gifts funds or assets to others by transferring fiduciary duty to a third party trustee that will maintain the assets for the benefit of the beneficiaries
委托帐户、全权管理帐户Discretionary AccountAn account that allows a broker to buy and sell securities without the client's consent.
违约风险Default RiskThe risk that a company or individual will be unable to pay the contractual interest or principal on its debt obligations.
  • The failure to promptly pay interest or principal when due.
  • The failure to perform on a futures contract as required by an exchange.
未到价Out of the Money
  • For a call, when an option's strike price is higher than the market price of the underlying stock.
  • For a put, when the strike price is below the market price of the underlying stock.
未来价值Future ValueThe value of an asset or cash at a specified date in the future that is equivalent in value to a specified sum today. There are two ways to calculate FV:
  • For an asset with simple annual interest:
    = Original Investment x (1+(interest rate*number of years))
  • For an asset with interest compounded annually:
    = Original Investment x ((1+interest rate)^number of years)
未实现收入Unearned RevenueWhen an individual or company receives money for a service or product that has yet to be fulfilled.
未实现收益Unrealized GainA profit that results from holding on to an asset rather than cashing it in and using the funds
未实现损失Unrealized LossA loss that results from holding on to an asset rather than cashing it in and officially taking the loss.
无抵押贷款Unsecured LoanA bank loan that is issued and supported only by the borrowers creditworthiness, rather than by some sort of collateral.
无抵押债权人Unsecured CreditorA person or institution that lends money to a company or individual without holding collateral on the property for security. This puts the creditor in a higher risk situation
无对冲黄金股票指数BUGS IndexShort for "basket of un-hedged gold stocks," the BUGS index is the AMEX's index measuring gold companies that do not hedge their gold production beyond a year and a half.
无风险资产Risk-Free AssetAn asset which has a certain future return. Treasuries (especially T-bills) are considered to be risk-free because they are backed by the U.S. government.
无风险回报率Risk Free Rate of ReturnThe quoted rate on an asset that has virtually no risk.
无记名票据Floater A bond, or some other type of debt, whose coupon rate changes with market conditions (short term interest rates).
无形之手Invisible HandCoined by Adam Smith in his 1776 book An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. In his book he states:
Essentially Smith says that individuals try to maximize their own good (and become wealthier), and by doing so, through trade and entrepreneurship, society as a whole will be better off. Furthermore, any government intervention in the economy isn't needed as the invisible hand would best guide the economy.
无形资产Intangible AssetAn asset that is not physical in nature. E.g. goodwill
无追索权融资Non-Recourse FinanceA loan where the lending bank is only entitled to repayment from the profits of the project the loan is funding, not from other assets of the borrower.
无追索权债务Non-Recourse DebtA loan that is secured by some sort of collateral, usually property. The issuer can seize the collateral if the borrower defaults.
五大工业国G-5Five of the world's leading countries that meet periodically to achieve a cooperative effort on international economic and monetary issues.
五大工业国Group of Five (G-5)Five of the world's leading countries that meet periodically to achieve a cooperative effort on international economic and monetary issues.
武士债券Samurai BondA yen denominated bond that is issued in Tokyo by a non-Japanese company.
兀鹫基金Vulture FundA fund that buys securities in distressed investments, such as high-yield bonds in (or near) default or equities that are in (or near) bankruptcy.
兀鹫投资者Vulture Capitalist
  • A slang word for a venture capitalist who deprives an inventor of control over their own innovations and most of the money they should have made from the invention.
  • A venture capitalist who invests in floundering firms in the hopes that they will turn around.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
TombstoneTombstoneA situation in which one participant's gains result only from another participant's equivalent losses. The net change is always 0.
摊薄后每股盈利Diluted Earnings Per ShareThe earnings per share (EPS) if all convertible securities were exercised.
摊薄、减损DilutionA reduction in earnings per share of common stock. Dilution occurs through the issuance of additional shares of common stock or the conversion of convertible securities.
摊销AmortizationThe paying off of debt in regular installments over a period of time.
The deduction of capital expenses over a specific period of time. Similar to depreciation, it is a method of measuring the "consumption" of the value of long-term assets like equipment or buildings.
弹性ElasticityA measure of sensitivity of one variable to another. More specifically, the degree to which consumers respond to price changes.
% Change in Quantity
% Change in Price
套汇ArbitrageThe simultaneous purchase and selling of a security in order to profit from a differential in the price. This usually takes place on different exchanges or marketplaces.?
套汇定价理论Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)An alternative to the CAPM, APT differs in its assumptions and explanation of risk factors associated with the risk of an asset.
套汇交易理论Arbitrage Trading Program (ATP)A program used to simultaneously place orders for stock index futures and the underlying stocks. The ATP attempts to exploit price variations (Market Arbitrage).
套汇交易理论ATPA program used to simultaneously place orders for stock index futures and the underlying stocks. The ATP attempts to exploit price variations (Market Arbitrage).
套汇债券Arbitrage BondA lower-rate debt security issued by a municipality prior to the call date of the municipality's existing higher-rate security.
  • To convert into money.
  • To convert from securities into currency that can be used to purchase goods and services.
特殊风险Specific RiskRisk that affects a very small number of assets. This is sometimes referred to as "unsystematic risk."
  • Also referred to as a "bankruptcy-remote entity" whose operations are limited to the acquisition and financing of specific assets. The SPV is usually a subsidiary company with an asset/liability structure and legal status that makes its obligations secure even if the parent company goes bankrupt.
  • A subsidiary corporation designed to serve as a counterparty for swaps and other credit sensitive derivative instruments. Also called a "derivatives product company."
特殊功能公司Special Purpose Vehicle
  • Also referred to as a "bankruptcy-remote entity" whose operations are limited to the acquisition and financing of specific assets. The SPV is usually a subsidiary company with an asset/liability structure and legal status that makes its obligations secure even if the parent company goes bankrupt.
  • A subsidiary corporation designed to serve as a counterparty for swaps and other credit sensitive derivative instruments. Also called a "derivatives product company."
特殊项目Exceptional ItemCharges incurred that must be noted upon a company's balance sheet according to GAAP principles. Even though these are considered to be a part of ordinary business charges, due to their sheer size or frequency, they must be accordingly disclosed.
特许协议Concession AgreementA right granted by a government to a corporation. It specifies rules under which the company can operate locally.
提高平均价格Average UpThe process of buying additional shares in a company at higher prices than you originally purchased. This brings the average price you've paid for all your shares up.
天使投资者Angel InvestorA financial backer providing venture capital funds for small startups or entrepreneurs.
天灾债券Act of God BondA bond issued by an insurance company, linking principal and interest to the company's losses due to natural disasters.
条例ARegulation AAn SEC regulation that governs offerings of $5,000,000 or less, which qualify for simplified registration (an exemption).
条例DRegulation DAn SEC regulation that governs private placement exemption when there is no investment banker involved.
条例FDRegulation FD (Reg FD)A rule passed by the Securities and Exchange Commission in an effort to prevent selective disclosure by public companies to market professionals and certain shareholders.
The Reg FD rule reads as follows:
"Whenever an issuer, or any person acting on its behalf, discloses any material nonpublic information regarding that issuer or its securities to [certain enumerated persons], the issuer shall make public disclosure of that information... simultaneously, in the case of an intentional disclosure; and... promptly, in the case of a non-intentional disclosure."
条例GRegulation GThe Federal Reserve Board regulation that governs the extension of credit for securities transactions by commercial lenders and non-financial corporations.
条例MRegulation MAn IRS regulation that allows regulated investment companies to pass taxes from capital gains, dividends, and interest distributions onto individual investors.
条例QRegulation QA Federal Reserve Board regulation that limits the interest rate banks can pay on savings deposits.
条例TRegulation TThe Federal Reserve Board regulation that governs customer cash accounts and the amount of credit that brokerage firms and dealers may extend to customers for the purchase of securities.
条款书Term SheetA non-binding agreement setting forth the basic terms and conditions under which an investment will be made.
条例URegulation UThe Federal Reserve Board regulation that governs loans by banks for the purchase of securities.
贴现窗Discount WindowThe location at the Federal Reserve where financial institutions go to borrow money at the discount rate.
贴现率、折让率Discount Rate
  • The interest rate that an eligible depository institution is charged to borrow short term funds directly from a Federal Reserve Bank.
  • The interest rate used in determining the present value of future cash flows.
贴现票据、折扣票据Discount NoteAn unsecured corporate debt that is issued at a discount and matures at par. It is similar to a zero coupon bond or T-bill. Discount notes give institutional and retail investors convenient choices with respect to the investment size and maturity date for a short-term investment.
贴现现金流Discounted Cash Flow (DCF)A method used to estimate the attractiveness of an investment opportunity.
贴现债券、折扣债券Discount BondA bond that is valued at less than its face amount.
通货萎缩Deflation The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is falling. The opposite of inflation.
通货复涨、通货在膨胀Reflation An economic policy whereby a government uses fiscal or monetary stimulus in order to expand a country's output.
通用会计制度GAAPThe common set of accounting principles, standards, and procedures. GAAP is a combination of authoritative standards (set by policy boards) and the accepted ways of doing accounting.
通用会计制度Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)The common set of accounting principles, standards, and procedures. GAAP is a combination of authoritative standards (set by policy boards) and the accepted ways of doing accounting.
同级诉讼Class ActionAn action where an individual represents a group in a court claim. The judgment from the suit is for all the members of the group (class).
  • To accept a formal offer, such as a takeover bid or tender offer.
  • Means of settlement in a financial transaction.
  • A bid to buy treasury bills.
  • Notice from a futures contract seller to offer money or goods for settlement of a futures contract.
投机SpeculationThe process of selecting investments with higher risk in order to profit from an anticipated price movement.
投票权Voting RightThe right of a stockholder to vote on matters of corporate policy making as well as on who will compose the board of directors.
投票股票Voting SharesShares that give the stockholder the right to vote on matters of corporate policy making as well as who will compose the members of the board of directors.
投票信托Voting TrustA trust legally created in order to combine the voting power of shareholders through the transference of legal title and voting rights to a designated trustee for a set duration.
投票信托协议Voting Trust AgreementA contractual agreement detailing the specifics of the voting trust, including the name of its trustee, the effective timeframe, and the nature of its formation.
投资InvestingThe act of committing money or capital to an endeavor (a business, project, real estate, etc.) with the expectation of obtaining an additional income or profit.
投资Investment An asset or item with value that is purchased for income or capital appreciation.
投资持有量PositionThe amount of a security either owned (long position) or borrowed (short position) by an individual or by a dealer.
投资的现金流回报Cash Flow Return on Investment (CFROI)A valuation model that assumes the stock market sets prices based on cash flow, not on corporate performance and earnings.
Cash Flow
Market Value of Capital Employed
投资等级Investment Grade
  • In the case of a stock, a firm that has a strong balance sheet, considerable capitalization, and is recognized as a leader in its industry.
  • In the case of fixed income, a bond with a rating of BBB or higher.
投资顾问Investment AdvisorAn advisor, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, who manages the investments of others.
投资环境Investment ClimateThe general economic conditions affecting the financial markets.
投资回报率ROIThe profit or loss resulting from an investment transaction, usually expressed as an annual percentage return.
投资回报率Return On Investment (ROI) The profit or loss resulting from an investment transaction, usually expressed as an annual percentage return.
投资回收期Payback PeriodThe length of time required to recover the cost of an investment.
Calculated as:
Cost of Project
Annual Cash Inflows

All other things being equal, the better investment is the one with the shorter payback period.
投资媒体Investment VehicleIn general, any method by which to invest.
投资情绪指标Sentiment IndicatorA general term used to describe indicators that gauge investor attitudes towards the market.
  • Refers to the sale or liquidation of an asset or subsidiary of an organization or government. Also known as divestiture.
  • A reduction in capital expenditure, or when a company decides to not replace depleted capital goods.
投资性房地产Investment Real EstateReal estate that generates income.
投资银行IB (Investment Bank)A financial intermediary that performs a variety of services. This includes underwriting, acting as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations, and also acting as a broker for institutional clients.
投资银行Investment BankA financial intermediary that performs a variety of services. This includes underwriting, acting as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations, and also acting as a broker for institutional clients.
投资银行家Investment BankerA person representing a financial institution that is in the business of raising capital for corporations and municipalities.
投资者关系部Investor RelationsA department, present in most medium to large public companies, that provides investors with an accurate account of the affairs of the company. This helps investors to make informed buy or sell decisions.
投资者关系部IRA department, present in most medium to large public companies, that provides investors with an accurate account of the affairs of the company. This helps investors to make informed buy or sell decisions.
投资资金回报率ROIC A calculation used to determine the quality of a company. The general definition for ROIC is as follows:
Net Income - Dividends
Total Capital
投资资金回报率Return On Investment Capital (ROIC)A calculation used to determine the quality of a company. The general definition for ROIC is as follows:
Net Income - Dividends
Total Capital
投资组合保险Portfolio InsuranceA method of hedging a portfolio of stocks against the market risk by short selling stock index futures.
投资组合管理Portfolio ManagementThe art and science of making decisions about: investment mix and policy, matching investments to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions, and balancing risk vs. performance.
投资组合经理Portfolio ManagerThe person responsible for the investment of a mutual fund's assets, implementing its investment strategy, and managing the day-to-day portfolio trading.
投资组合收入Portfolio IncomeIncome from investments, including dividends, interest, royalties, and capital gains.
透支OverdraftAn instant extension of credit from a lending institution.
退出投资策略Exit StrategyThe method that a venture capitalist or business owner intends to use to get out of an investment that he/she has made.
拖欠债务DelinquentA term describing the failure to meet required obligations according to schedule.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
鲨变监察者Shark WatcherA firm specializing in the early detection of takeovers. The firm's primary business is usually the solicitation of proxies for client corporations.
瞻养比率Dependency RatioA ratio indicating the number of dependents (aged 0-14 and over the age of 65) to the total population (aged 15-64). The total dependency ratio is calculated by the (number of dependents/population aged 15-64) x 100%.
瞻养比率Total Dependency RatioA ratio indicating the number of dependents (aged 0-14 and over the age of 65) to the total population (aged 15-64). The total dependency ratio is calculated by the (number of dependents/population aged 15-64) x 100%.
商业对商业(B2B)Business to Business (B2B)Business conducted between companies, rather than between a company and individual consumers.
商业CommercialA term used to refer to any party or organization involved in producing, transporting, or merchandising a commodity.
商业银行Commercial BankA financial institution that provides services such as a accepting deposits and giving business loans.
商业抵押作担保的证券 Commercial Mortgage Backed Security (CMBS)Similar to a Mortgage Backed Security, but secured by loans with commercial instead of residential property.
商业票据Commercial PaperAn unsecured, short-term loan issued by a corporation, typically for financing accounts receivable and inventories. It is usually issued at a discount reflecting prevailing market interest rates.
商品CommodityAny bulk good traded on an exchange or in the cash market.
商品期货交易委员会Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)A U.S. federal agency established by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974. It ensures the open and efficient operation of the futures markets. There are five futures markets commissioners who are appointed by the president (subject to Senate approval).
商誉GoodwillThe excess of the purchase price over the fair market value of an asset. Accountants record this as a "write off" in the financial report.
商人银行Merchant BankA bank which deals mostly in (but is not limited to) international finance, long term loans to companies, and underwriting. Merchant banks do not provide normal banking services to the general public.
上市证券Listed SecuritySecurities that have been accepted for trading purposes by a recognized and regulated exchange.
上市公司Public CompanyA company that has issued securities through an offering which are now traded on the open market.
少数权益Minority InterestA significant, but non-controlling, outside ownership interest in a company/subsidiary that is consolidated with the parent for financial reporting purposes
涉漏消息LeakageA release of information to certain people before the official public announcement.
申报不足Under ReportingAn illegal practice where a person under states their taxable income.
审计AuditAn unbiased examination and evaluation of the financial statements of an organization. It can be done internally (by employees of the organization) or externally (by an outside firm).
审计师报告Auditor's ReportRecorded in the annual report, it tests to see that corporation's financial statements comply with GAAP.
升值AppreciationThe increase in value of an asset.
生产毛利率GPMThe difference between the cost of a raw commodity and the income it generates once sold as a finished product.
生产毛利率Gross Processing Margin (GPM)The difference between the cost of a raw commodity and the income it generates once sold as a finished product.
生产价格指数Producer Price Index (PPI)A family of indexes that measures the average change over time in selling prices received by domestic producers of goods and services. PPIs measure price change from the perspective of the seller.
生产力ProductivityA measure of the amount of output per unit of input.
石油输出国组织、欧佩克OPECAn intergovernmental organization dedicated to the stability and prosperity of the petroleum market. OPEC membership is open to any country that is a substantial exporter of oil and shares the ideals of the organization.
石油输出国组织、欧佩克Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)An intergovernmental organization dedicated to the stability and prosperity of the petroleum market. OPEC membership is open to any country that is a substantial exporter of oil and shares the ideals of the organization.
时间加权回报率Time-Weighted Rate of ReturnA measure of the compound rate of growth in a portfolio. Because this method eliminates the distorting effects created by inflows of new money, it is used to compare the returns of investment managers.
When calculating, the effect of varying cash inflows is eliminated by assuming a single investment at the beginning of a period and measuring the growth or loss of market value to the end of that period.
实际回报Actual ReturnThe actual gain or loss of an investor. This can be expressed in the following formula: expected return (ex-ante) plus the effect of firm-specific and economy-wide news.
实付开支Out of Pocket ExpensesAn expense that an individual incurs for either business or personal usage. These expenses are tax deductible.
实物支付债券Payment in Kind Bond (PIK)A type of bond that pays interest in additional bonds, as opposed to cash payouts.
实际资产Real AssetPhysical or identifiable assets such as gold, land, equipment, patents, etc. They are the opposite of a financial asset.
实际利率Real Interest RateThe excess of the interest rate over the inflation rate. The real rate of interest is approximately calculated by taking the nominal interest rate and subtracting inflation.
实际回报率Real Rate of ReturnThe annual percentage return realized on an investment adjusted for changes in the price level due to inflation or deflation.
实现损失Realized LossA loss recognized when assets are sold for a price lower than the original purchase price
实现利润Realized ProfitA gain realized upon liquidation of assets that results from receiving a price higher than the original purchase price.
18定律Rule of 18A rule whereby the sum of the inflation rate and the P/E ratio of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is an indicator of the direction of the stock market. If the total is above 18, stocks are supposed to decrease. If the total is under 18, then the stock market is expected to increase.
使用权税、专利权税RoyaltyA payment to an owner for the use of property, especially patents, copyrighted works, franchises, or natural resources.
世界贸易组织WTOAn international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.
世界贸易组织World Trade Organization (WTO)An international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably, and freely as possible.
市场泡沫BubbleA speculative market or stock in which the values rise very rapidly and then fall sharply.
  • Typically refers to the equity market where stocks are traded, but can also refer to the bond, options, or commodity market.
  • People with the desire and ability to buy a specific product.
市场套利Market ArbitragePurchasing and selling the same security at the same time in different markets to take advantage of a price difference between the two separate markets.
市价订单Market OrderAn order to buy or sell a stock immediately at the best available current price. A market order guarantees execution.
市场风险Market RiskThe day to day potential for an investor to experience losses from fluctuations in securities prices.
市场风险溢价Market Risk PremiumThe difference between the expected return on a market portfolio and the risk-free rate.
市场细分Market SegmentationA marketing term describing the aggregating of prospective buyers into groups (segments) that have common needs and will respond similarly to a marketing action
市场情绪Market SentimentThe feeling or tone of a market. It is shown by the activity and price movement of the securities.
市场价值Market Value
  • The current quoted price at which investors buy or sell a share of common stock or a bond at a given time.
  • Sometimes referred to as total market value, the market capitalization plus the market value of debt.
市场增值Market Value Added (MVA)The difference between the market value of a company (both equity and debt) and the capital contributed by investors.
市政债券Municipal BondA debt security issued by a state, municipality, or county, in order to finance its capital expenditures. Municipal bonds are exempt from federal taxes and from most state and local taxes, especially if you live in the state the bond is issued.
市政债券基金Municipal Bond FundA mutual fund that invests in municipal bonds, operating either as an investment trust or as an open-end fund.
市政可转换证券Municipal ConvertibleA zero-coupon municipal bond that can be converted into an interest-bearing bond under certain circumstances.
市盈率P/E Ratiovaluation ratio of a company's current share price compared to its per-share earnings.
Calculated as:
Market Value per Share
Earnings per Share (EPS)

EPS is usually from the last four quarters (trailing P/E), but sometimes can be taken from the estimates of earnings expected in the next four quarters (projected or forward P/E). A third variation is the sum of the last two actual quarters and the estimates of the next two quarters. '
市盈率与增长比率PEG RatioA ratio used to determine a stock's value while taking into account earnings growth. The calculation is as follows:
Price/Earnings Ratio
Annual EPS Growth
市盈率Price-Earnings Ratiovaluation ratio of a company's current share price compared to its per-share earnings.
Calculated as:
Market Value per Share
Earnings per Share (EPS)

EPS is usually from the last four quarters (trailing P/E), but sometimes can be taken from the estimates of earnings expected in the next four quarters (projected or forward P/E). A third variation is the sum of the last two actual quarters and the estimates of the next two quarters. '
市盈率与增长比率PEG RatioA ratio used to determine a stock's value while taking into account earnings growth. The calculation is as follows:
Price/Earnings Ratio
Annual EPS Growth
市盈率与增长及股息比率PEGY RatioA variation of the PEG ratio where a stock's P/E ratio is divided by its projected earnings growth rate and dividend yield.
收购AcquisitionWhen one company purchases a majority interest in the acquired.
收购溢价Acquisition PremiumThe difference between the actual cost for acquiring a target firm versus the estimate made of its value before the acquisition.
收盘后交易After Hours TradingTrading after regular trading hours on the major exchanges.
收盘铃后After The BellAfter the close of the stock market.
收支平衡点Break Even Point (BEP)The point at which gains equal losses.
Or, the market price that a stock must reach for option buyers to avoid a loss if they exercise. For a call, it is the strike price plus the premium paid. For a put, it is the strike price minus the premium paid.
收购BuyoutThe purchase of a company or a controlling interest of a corporation's shares. A leveraged buyout is accomplished with borrowed money or by issuing more stock.
  • The end of a trading session. The closing price is what's quoted in the newspaper.
  • The final procedure in a home sale, documents are signed and recorded. This is the time when the property ownership is transferred.
收盘铃Closing BellA bell that rings to signify the end of a trading session.
收益GainAn increase in the value of an asset or property. The gain is measured as the amount of capital from the sale of a good realized in excess of the original purchase price.
收入IncomeMoney received by a person or organization because of effort (work) or from return on investments.
收益基金Income FundA mutual fund that seeks to provide stable current income by investing in securities that pay interest or dividends.
收益股票Income StockStocks with a history of regular dividend payments that contribute to the largest portion of the stock's overall return.
收入回报率Return On Revenue (ROR)A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as net income divided by revenue.
Net Income
收购TakeoverWhen an acquiring company makes a bid for an acquiree. If the target company is publicly traded, the acquiring company will make an offer for the outstanding shares.
  • A measure of the income generated by a bond, it is calculated as the amount of interest paid on a bond divided by the price.
  • The rate of return on an investment, usually expressed as an annual percentage rate.
首席行政官CEO This is the senior manager who is responsible for overseeing the activities of an entire company.
首席财务官CFO This is the senior manager who is responsible for overseeing the financial activities of an entire company. This includes signing checks, monitoring cash flow, and financial planning.
首席营运官COOThis is the senior manager whose responsibility it is to manage the day-to-day operations of the company and then report this to the CEO.
首席行政官Chief Executive OfficerThis is the senior manager who is responsible for overseeing the activities of an entire company.
首席财务官Chief Financial OfficerThis is the senior manager who is responsible for overseeing the financial activities of an entire company. This includes signing checks, monitoring cash flow, and financial planning.
首席营运官Chief Operating OfficerThis is the senior manager whose responsibility it is to manage the day-to-day operations of the company and then report this to the CEO.
首次公开上市IPOThe first sale of stock by a private company to the public. IPOs are often smaller, younger companies seeking capital to expand their business.
首期保证金Initial MarginThe percentage of the purchase price of securities that can be purchased on margin.
首次公开上市Initial Public Offering (IPO)The first sale of stock by a private company to the public. IPOs are often smaller, younger companies seeking capital to expand their business.
首次公开上市锁定期、禁售期IPO Lock-upA legally binding contract between the underwriters and insiders of the company undergoing an initial public offering (IPO). The contract prevents them from selling any shares of stock for a specified period of time.
寿司债券Sushi BondA Eurobond that is issued by a Japanese issuer and does not count against a Japanese institution's limits on the holdings of foreign securities.
受扶养人士DependentA person who relies on someone else for financial support. The taxpayer supporting the dependent is allowed to claim dependency exemptions.
售出清理Sell-OutWhen a broker or investor buying stocks has failed to settle the trade in a timely matter and, consequently, the broker can forcibly sell the securities on the investors behalf.
授权股份Authorized StockThe maximum number of shares that a corporation is legally permitted to issue under its articles of incorporation. This figure is usually listed in the capital accounts section of the balance sheet.
受益者Beneficial OwnerA person or firm that benefits from owning an asset even though they are not registered as a shareholder.
受益方Beneficiary A person or entity named in a will or financial contract to be an inheritor of someone's property when the property owner dies.
受托人FiduciaryA person legally appointed and authorized to hold assets in trust for another person. The fiduciary manages the assets for the benefit of the other person rather than for his/her own profits.
受损的资产Impaired AssetAn asset with a market value that is worth less than its book value.
受损的信贷Impaired CreditThe deterioration of a borrower's credit rating.
授权书Power of AttorneyGiving someone the ability to act on your behalf in specific instances
受监管投资公司Regulated Investment Company (RIC)A mutual fund or real estate investment trust that is eligible to pass the taxes on capital gains, dividends, or interest payments onto the clients or individual investors.
受托人TrusteeAn individual who holds or manages assets for the benefit of another.
赎回RedemptionThe return of an investor's principal in a security, such as a stock, bond, or mutual fund.
数据探索Data MiningA type of database application that looks for hidden patterns in large groups of data.
双重收费Double DippingFor brokerage firms, when a broker puts commissioned products into a fee-based account. The broker makes money from both the client and the commission.
双谷经济衰退Double Dip RecessionWhen the gross domestic product (GDP) growth slides back to negative after a quarter or two of brief positive growth. In other words, a recession followed by a short-lived recovery, followed by another recession.
双重征税Double TaxingA tax law that results in the same earnings being subjected to taxation twice. A company's income is taxed initially and then the shareholders and investors are taxed on the distributions they receive from the company.
双头垄断DuopolyA situation in which two companies own all or nearly all of the market for a given type of product or service.
水平价差Horizontal SpreadAn options strategy involving the simultaneous purchase and sale of two options of the same type, having the same strike price, but different expiration dates.
税后营运收入After Tax Operating Income - ATOIA company's total operating income after taxes. Calculated by deducting taxes from total operating income.
税后利润率After Tax Profit MarginThe ratio calculated by taking net income after taxes and dividing it by net sales.
税后现金流Cash Flow After Taxes A company's cash flow after taxes is derived by taking the net income and removing charges for taxes and depreciation.
税前盈利EBTAn indicator of a company's financial performance calculated as:
Revenue - Expenses (excluding tax)
税后净营运利润Net Operating Profit After Tax (NOPAT)A company's potential cash earnings if its capitalization was unleveraged (that is, if it had no debt). NOPAT is frequently used in economic value added (EVA) calculations.
Calculated as:
NOPAT = operating income x (1 - Tax rate)
税务调整净营运利润Net Operating Profit Less Adjusted Taxes (NOPLAT) Total operating profits for a firm with adjustments made for taxes.
税盾Tax ShieldThe reduction in income taxes that results from taking an allowable deduction from taxable income.
私人银行Private BankingBeyond just providing credit or managing investments, private banking addresses your entire financial situation. Services include everything from protecting and growing your assets in the present, to planning retirement and passing wealth on to future generations.
私人公司Private CompanyA company whose ownership is private and, thus, do not need to meet the strict SEC filing requirements of public companies.
私人股本Private EquityWhen equity capital is made available to companies or investors, but not quoted on a stock market. The funds raised through private equity can be used to develop new products and technologies, to expand working capital, to make acquisitions, or to strengthen a company抯 balance sheet.
私人投资公开股票 Private Investment, Public Equity (PIPE)This is when a private investment or mutual fund buys common stock for a company at a discount to the current market value per share.
私募Private PlacementRaising of capital via private rather than public placement. The result is the sale of securities to a relatively small number of investors.
速动资产Quick AssetsAssets that can be easily be converted into cash or are already in cash form. It is calculated as current assets minus inventories.
速动比率Quick RatioAn indicator of a company's financial strength. It is calculated by subtracting inventories from current assets, then dividing by current liabilities. This is also known as the Acid Test.
酸性测试比率Acid TestA stringent test that indicates if a firm has enough short-term assets to cover its immediate liabilities, without selling inventory.

(Cash+Accounts Receivable+
Short-term Investments)
Current Liabilities
损益表Income StatementPart of a company's financial statements summarizing revenues and expenses during a specific period of time. Also known as the profit and loss statement.
缩小规模DownsizeReducing the size of a company by eliminating workers and/or divisions within the company.
所有出价Any and All BidA bid made to purchase all stock being offered at a specific price.
所得税Income TaxA tax on any money earned during a fiscal year, usually filed on a yearly basis. All businesses except partnerships must file an annual income tax return. Partnerships file an information return.
锁定协议Lock-up AgreementA legally binding contract between the underwriters and insiders of the company prohibits them from selling any shares of stock for a certain specified period of time.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
热门发行Hot IssueAn issue that sells at a premium over the public offering price on the first day of trading.
热钱Hot MoneyMoney that flows regularly between financial markets in search for the highest short term interest rates possible.
认购不足UndersubscribedWhen the demand for a new issue of securities (IPO) is less than the number of shares issued. This is sometimes referred to as an underbooking.
认股权证WarrantA derivative security that gives the holder the right to purchase securities (usually equity) from the issuer at a specific price within a certain time frame.
认股权证比重Warrant CoverageAn agreement between a company and its shareholders whereby the company issues warrants equal to some percentage of the dollar amount of the shareholder's investment.
认股权证溢价Warrant PremiumThe premium paid for the rights associated with a warrant.
人寿保险Life InsuranceA protection against the lost income that would result if the insured were to pass away. The named beneficiary receives the proceeds and is thereby safeguarded from financial impacts of the death of the insured.
日经指数NikkeiThe leading and most respected index of Japanese stocks.
日历年Calendar YearThe year that begins January 1 and ends December 31
融资资本充实Leveraged RecapitalizationA strategy where a company takes on significant additional debt with the purpose of either paying a large dividend or repurchasing shares. The result is a far more financially leveraged company.
融资租赁Leveraged LeaseA lease agreement wherein the lessor, by borrowing funds from a lending institution, finances the purchase of the asset being leased.
软货币Soft CurrencyAnother name for "weak currency," there is very little demand for this type of currency and values often fluctuate.
软贷款Soft Loan
  • A loan with a below-market rate of interest.
  • Loans made by multinational development banks and the World Bank to developing countries. Typically, soft loans have extended grace periods in which only interest or service charges are due, in addition to offering longer amortization schedules and lower interest rates than conventional bank loans.
软商品Soft CommodityUsed to describe commodities such as coffee, cocoa, sugar and fruit. This term generally refers to commodities that are grown, rather than mined.
软通货、纸币Soft Money
  • Government and organizations refer to this as 'one time' funding for a project or special purpose.
  • Describes paper currency, as opposed to gold, silver, or some other coined metal.
软着陆Soft LandingA term used to describe a rate of economic growth high enough to avoid recession, but slow enough to avoid high inflation.
Russell 2000指数Russell 2000 IndexAn index that measures the performance of the 2,000 smallest companies in the Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 2000 serves as a benchmark for small-cap stocks.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
72定律Rule of 72A rule stating that in order to find the number of years required to double your money at a given interest rate, you divide the compound return into 72. The result is the approximate number of years that it will take for your investment to double.
七大工业国G-7Seven of the world's leading countries that meet periodically to achieve a cooperative effort on international economic and monetary issues.
七大工业国Group of Seven (G-7)Seven of the world's leading countries that meet periodically to achieve a cooperative effort on international economic and monetary issues.
期初库存Beginning InventoryThe book value of goods, inputs, or materials available for use or sale at the beginning of an inventory accounting period.
期货FuturesA financial contract that encompasses the sale of financial instruments or physical commodities for future delivery, usually on a commodity exchange. Futures contracts try to "bet" what the value of an index or commodity will be at some date in the future.
期货合约Futures ContractAn exchange traded agreement to buy or sell a particular type and grade of commodity for delivery at an agreed upon place and time in the future. Futures contracts are transferable between parties.
期货利率协议Future Rate Agreement (FRA)A forward contract that determines an interest rate to be paid or received on an obligation beginning at a start date sometime in the future.
期货市场Futures MarketAn auction market in which participants buy and sell commodity/future contracts for delivery on a specified future date. Trading is carried on through open yelling and hand signals in a trading pit.
期末库存Ending InventoryA book value of goods, inputs, or materials available for use or sale at the end of an inventory accounting period.
期末一次性偿还贷款Bullet LoanAny loan that requires a balloon payment at the end of the term and anticipates that the loan will be refinanced in order to meet the balloon payment obligation.
期末一次性偿还债券Bullet BondA regular coupon paying debt instrument with a single repayment of principal on the maturity date.
期权OptionA privilege sold by one party to another that offers the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to buy (call) or sell (put) a security at an agreed-upon price during a certain period of time or on a specific date.
期限DurationThe measure of the price sensitivity of a fixed-income security to an interest rate change of 100 basis points. Calculation is based on the weighted average of the present values for all cash flows.
  • The length of time until the principal amount of a bond must be repaid.
  • The end of the life of a security.
期限TenorThe term or life of a contract.
其他长期负债Other Long Term LiabilitiesA balance sheet item that would include items such as remaining leases, future employee benefits, deferred taxes, and other obligations that do not currently require interest payments.
其他流动负债Other Current LiabilitiesA balance sheet entry used by companies to group together current liabilities that are not assigned to common liabilities such as debt obligations or accounts payable.
其他流动资产Other Current AssetsA balance sheet item that includes the value of non-cash assets like prepaid expenses and accounts receivable due within one year.
企业倍数Enterprise MultipleA ratio used to determine the value of a company. The enterprise-multiple looks at a firm as a potential acquirer would, because it takes debt into account - an item which other multiples like the P/E ratio do not include.
Enterprise Value
企业重组ReorganizationA process designed to revive a financially troubled or bankrupt firm. A reorganization involves the restatement of assets and liabilities, and communication with creditors in order to make arrangements for maintaining repayment.
企业价值EVA measure of a company's value. Calculated as market capitalization plus debt & preferred shares, minus cash & cash equivalents.
企业价值Enterprise ValueA measure of a company's value. Calculated as market capitalization plus debt & preferred shares, minus cash & cash equivalents.
企业价值/EBITDA(企业倍数EV/EBITDAA ratio used to determine the value of a company. The enterprise-multiple looks at a firm as a potential acquirer would, because it takes debt into account - an item which other multiples like the P/E ratio do not include.
Enterprise Value
企业融资Corporate FinanceAny financial or monetary activity that deals with a company and its money.
企业债券Corporate BondA debt security issued by a corporation.
企业治理Corporate GovernanceThe relationship between all the stakeholders in a company. This includes the shareholders, directors, and management of a company, as defined by the corporate charter, bylaws, formal policy, and rule of law.
企业自我竞争Corporate CannibalismAn act of self-infringement upon market share by corporations through the issuance of new products. Also known as "market cannibalization."
企业自由现金流Free Cash Flow for the Firm (FCFF)A firm's operating income less expenses, taxes, and changes in net working capital and investments.
气球型期权Balloon OptionAn option for which the notional payments increase significantly after a set threshold is broken.
气球型期限Balloon Maturity
  • A repayment schedule for a bond issue where a large number of the bonds come due at a one time (normally at the final maturity date).
  • A final loan payment that is considerably higher than prior payments.
汽车销售额Auto SalesThe major producers of domestic automobiles report sales monthly. These numbers are seasonally adjusted by the U.S. Department of Commerce and are available to the public one to five business days after the end of each month.
契约CovenantA promise in an indenture, or any other formal debt agreement, that certain activities will or will not be carried out.
契约IndentureA contract between an issuer of bonds and the bondholder stating the time period for re-payment, amount of interest paid, if the bond is convertible (and if so, at what price or what ratio), and the amount of money that is to be re-paid.
前向整合Forward IntegrationA form of vertical integration that involves expanding a business so it directly distributes its products.
强制买回保障Hard Call ProtectionThe period during the life of a callable bond where early redemption by the company is not permitted.
强制转换Forced ConversionWhen the issuer of a convertible security exercises their right to call the issue. This forces the investor to convert their security into the predetermined number of shares.
清算、清理Liquidation When a business or firm is terminated or bankrupt, its assets are sold and the proceeds pay creditors. Any leftovers are distributed to shareholders.
全民生产总值GNPAn economic statistic which includes GDP plus any income earned by residents from their overseas investments, minus income earned within the domestic economy by overseas residents.
全民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP)An economic statistic which includes GDP plus any income earned by residents from their overseas investments, minus income earned within the domestic economy by overseas residents.
  • A bank certificate issued in more than one country for shares in a foreign company. The shares are held by a foreign branch of an international branch. The shares trade as domestic shares, but are offered for sale globally through the various bank branches.
  • A financial instrument used by private markets to raise capital denominated in either U.S. dollars or Euros.
全球存托凭证Global Depository Receipt (GDR)
  • A bank certificate issued in more than one country for shares in a foreign company. The shares are held by a foreign branch of an international branch. The shares trade as domestic shares, but are offered for sale globally through the various bank branches.
  • A financial instrument used by private markets to raise capital denominated in either U.S. dollars or Euros.
全球宏观策略Global Macro StrategyA hedge fund strategy that involves holding long and short positions in various equity, fixed income, currency, and futures markets. The holdings are based primarily on overall economic (and political) views of various countries (macroeconomic principles).
全球基金Global FundA mutual fund that can invest in companies located anywhere in the world, including your own country.
全球投资表现标准Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)Ethical standards to be used by investment managers for creating performance presentations that ensure fair representation and full disclosure of investment performance results.
全球一体化GlobalizationThe tendency of world investment and business to move from national and domestic markets to a worldwide environment.
全球债券Global BondBonds that can be offered within the euromarket and several other markets simultaneously.
全球注册股票Global Registered ShareA share issued and registered in multiple markets around the world.
全权委托指令Discretionary OrderAn order giving a broker the ability to decide when to buy/sell securities at the best possible price for the customer. Some discretionary orders place restrictive terms to limit the amount of discretion the broker has.
全新投资项目Greenfield InvestmentWhen a company or government invests money to construct a project in basic components.
权益方StakeholderOne who has a share or an interest, as in an enterprise.
权益会计法Equity AccountingA method of accounting whereby a corporation will document a portion of the undistributed profits for an affiliated company that they own a position in.
全资拥有子公司Wholly Owned SubsidiaryA subsidiary whose parent company owns 100% of its common stock.



中文词句English TermsEnglish Definitions
拍卖市场Auction MarketA market in which buyers enter competitive bids and sellers enter competitive offers at the same time.
派发、分配DistributionA company's payment of cash, stock, or physical products to their shareholders.
派发实物Distribution in KindA distribution made in the form of stock rather than cash.
派息比率Payout RatioThe percentage of earnings paid out in dividends. It is calculated by dividing dividends per share by earnings per share.
抛售Sell-OffThe rapid selling of securities, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities
赔偿IndemnityA contractual agreement made between different parties to compensate for any damages or losses.
赔偿保证书Letter of IndemnityA letter guaranteeing that contractual provisions will be met, otherwise financial reparations will be made.
配额、限额QuotaIn the context of international trade, this is a limit put on the amount of a specific good that can be imported.
配股AllotmentDuring an IPO, this is the number of shares granted to each participating underwriting firm that they are permitted to sell. Remaining surpluses are then given to other firms which have won the bid for the right to sell the IPO.
批发银行Wholesale BankingBanking services between merchant banks and other financial institutions.
偏离DivergenceOccurs when the trend of a security's price does not correspond with the trend of an indicator.
票据NoteA debt security, usually maturing in one to ten years.
票面金额DenominationThe stated value found on financial instruments.
票面值Par ValueThe face value of a bond.
平仓Close PositionGetting out of a position in a particular stock or security.
平衡基金Balanced FundA mutual fund that invests its assets in the money market, bonds, preferred stock, and common stock in an attempt to provide both growth and income.
平衡投资策略Balanced Investment StrategyA portfolio allocation and management method aimed at balancing risk and return.
平价ParityA situation in an exchange market where all brokers bidding for the same security have equal standing due to identical bids.
平均价格Average PriceA bond's average price is calculated by adding its face value to the price paid for it and dividing the sum by two.
Average price is also sometimes known as Net Asset Value (NAV) for mutual funds.
平均价格出售期权Average Price PutA type of option where the payoff is either zero or the amount by which the strike price exceeds the average price of the asset.
平均价格买入期权权Average Price CallA type of option where the payoff is either zero or the amount by which the average price of the asset exceeds the strike.
平均年度回报率Average Annual ReturnA figure used when reporting the historical return of a mutual fund. The AAR is stated after expenses have been tallied, including administration fees, 12b-1 fees, and others.
平均年度增长率Average Annual Growth RateThe average increase in the value of a portfolio over the period of a year.
平均时期Average LifeAn estimate of the number of terms to maturity, taking the possibility of early payments into account. Average life is calculated using the weighted average time to the receipt of all future cash flows.
平均值MeanThe simple mathematical average of a two or more numbers.
平稳期BasingA period in which a stock price has very little or no trend resulting in a flat price pattern.
评估后价值Assessed ValueThe estimated value of real estate that is used for tax purposes.
  • An evaluation of a corporate or municipal bond's relative safety from an investment standpoint. Basically, it scrutinizes the issuer's ability to repay principal and make interest payments.
  • An analyst's recommendation on whether to buy, sell, or hold a specific stock.
评级机构Rating AgencyA company, such as Moody's or Standard & Poor's, that rates various debt and preferred stock issues for safety of payment of principal, interest, or dividends
凭票即付形式,无记名形式Bearer FormA security not registered in the issuing corporation's books but is payable to its bearer (the person possessing it).
破产BankruptcyWhen a person or firm is unable to repay debts. Thus, the ownership of the firm's assets are transferred from the stockholders to the bondholders.
破产风险Bankruptcy RiskThe ever present risk that a firm will be unable to meet its debt obligations. Often referred to as default or insolvency risk.

