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Need help with revision plan

Hi all,

I am writing the L1 in December. I done with almost 75% of the syllabus, with Ethics & Derivatives left to study. With my current pace, I expect to finish this by the end of September.

I am studying from the CFAI text / Schweser notes and I just read through the topics for my first pass of study. The problem is that I do not recollect some of the concepts (I think this happens to all of us) and need to revise.

Given that I have the months of October & November for revision, what should be my ideal revision plan? Should I read through the CFAI text/Schweser again, or just solve a lot of questions / bit of both?


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at 04:24AM by stons.

It took me one month for revising the books atleast 2 times from Shweser. I used to do the mock on Sunday and repeat one Shweser book from Monday to Saturday. It helps you out in retaining the major concepts. If I were you I'd have revised the course and then opted for the questions.


Do EOC and after, as soon as possible, do your first mock exam. This will definitely help you know how to re-read the material. And after that, redo more mock exams till you can score more than 70% regularly


Do end of chapters questions, do problems, and occasionally dip back into curriculum when needed. I would not re-read


上一主题:Is it possible to acquire Qbank questions separately?
下一主题:Reading 10 - IPS - How to deal with inflation