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Level II Pace of Studying

How far into studying for Level II are you so far? I've just completed Ethics and just finishing up the Schweser Item sets. I have also read through the first quant reading.

trogulj Wrote:
> Well its winter here so there's not much to
> enjoy... maxmeomeo did you find quant difficult to
> get through?

I havenot found it particularly especially difficult to understand . Maybe mastering it is another issue :-??


Late Sept. early Oct. will be my start time.


I will be sitting for the IMC exam first, but I have not started studying for that one either. Anyway, will be back with the CFA in October-mid October. But: I have already designed the study plan!)))


It's gonna take me sometime to get over the disaster in level 2. I hope second time is a charm.



Haha starting now is a joke. Enjoy the end of the summer and live a little.


Yeah I've only started early due to the banter about Level II ive heard on these boards.. I started in around November last year for Level I and scored well. I might try the FRM Level 1 in November 2012 as right now I want to put all my focus on Level II.


Yeah, its really all about discipline. If you can work a 10-12 hr day, then hit the books for 3 hrs once you get home 7 days a week, you're in good shape even if you start in March.

I have the bad combination of a crappy memory and lack of self discipline. 3rd time's a charm!


i think your starting date is a lot less relevant than how long you study per week... and more importantly how effective your study methods are.

Unless you're someone who exceled in university (atleast a very quick learner)...starting early can't hurt if you just take it easy and not burn out



I haven't even registered for Level II yet... Methinks some people are stressing it too much.


上一主题:Will buy Hardcover 2011 CFA Level 3 Schweser Secret Sauce & Quicksheet