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Level I and Ethics

Why do people say that Ethics determines whether you pass L1?

If Ethics is ~20% of the questions and you get them all wrong but ace the rest, (i.e. score a 80%), wouldn't you pass?

ethics = you're saving grace if you're borderline. i would ABSOLUTELY take the time to learn it.


If your overall score is borderline, the score you got on the ethics section becomes a factor as to whether to pass you.

See: http://www.cfainstitute.org/utility/faq/Pages/index.aspx

"What is the "ethics adjustment"?

"The Board of Governors instituted a policy to place particular emphasis on ethics. Starting with the 1996 exams, the performance on the ethics section became a factor in the pass/fail decision for candidates whose total scores bordered the minimum passing score. The ethics adjustment can have a positive or negative impact on these candidates' final results.

"CFA Institute has a policy of not releasing either the minimum passing score or individual candidate scores. Consequently, CFA Institute does not release specific information about the ethics adjustment or the candidates who were affected. The adjustment has had a net positive effect on candidate scores (and thus pass rates) in most exam sessions. The published pass rates always take into account the ethics adjustment for borderline candidates. "

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, May 31, 2011 at 02:17PM by 99 cannon sloop.

