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Best of Luck!

This is the first year in a long time I've been able to enjoy late May/early June without all the CFA stress, but I haven't forgotten all the stress and anxiety of the days before the exam. Hang in there guys. Get a good night's rest, eat well, relax. And good luck tomorrow!

Good luck to all! May you put this misery behind you


You are so money, and you don't even know it!!!


Just remember, you're like a big bear with claws and with fangs, with big effin teeth and the CFA exam is just like this little bunny, who's just kinda cowering in the corner. You know, you got these claws and you're staring at these claws and your thinking to yourself, and with these claws you're thinking, "how am I supposed to kill this bunny, how am I supposed to kill this bunny?"
And you're poking at it, you're poking at it. you're not hurting it. you're just kinda gently batting the bunny around, you know what I mean? and the bunny's scared of you....the bunny's scared of you, shivering. and you got these effin claws and these fangs man! And you're looking at your claws and you're looking at your fangs. And you're thinking to yourself, you don't know what to do, man. "I don't know how to kill the bunny." Just remember, you're like a big bear man and the CFA exam is this little bunny.

Good luck on exam.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Friday, June 3, 2011 at 04:14PM by hobbes928.


bchadwick Wrote:
> 4) You might make a good profit by selling an
> extra calculator to some schmuck at the exam.

Between my TI BAII+ ignorant-candidate-swap and my FourLoko-gov't-mandated-scarcity-arbitrage trades, 2011 is looking to be a banner year for my profits in the non-financial markets.

And BChad, your video is still there. I wasn't around for the original - I found it about two weeks ago when I youtube'd 'CFA level III' out of boredom. Thanks for the video on implementation shortfall, too, it helped.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


A few points:

1) Remember that if you've been active here, you're in a group of people who is taking the exam more seriously (esp if you are doing L1). So AF's pass rate (for frequent posters) is generally higher than the overall pass rate.

2) Remember that the problems that get posted in the forums tend to be the harder problems (easy ones get answered and don't get posted). So you might be panicking because you are imagining the test being composed solely of the hardest problems.

3) Fill in all your guesses at least 5 minutes before the end of the exam. Then use whatever is left to answer whatever you think you can answer. Don't get called for overtime because you are filling in bubbles on the sheet.

4) You might make a good profit by selling an extra calculator to some schmuck at the exam.


remember to trust yourselves on the answers. you've been going over the same problems for months now and nothing has changed. take deep breaths, relax, and take your time.

bring a few extra pencils, too!


I think it's still there!


bchadwick Wrote:
> Yep! Good luck everyone! No matter what, in 48
> hours you will have your lives back (for a bit)!

Bchad, it ain't over until you upload a video in the style of Peter Olinto.

Just sayin'.

Every body do not forget I can clear describe my case ; I am not crazy ! I talk the truth only.


Yep! Good luck everyone! No matter what, in 48 hours you will have your lives back (for a bit)!


上一主题:Newbie seeking some help and advice
下一主题:To late getting entry-level PM job or analyst job?