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Decisions, decisions...

Hi all, I was seeking you career advice for my situation..... Please advise!

I have completed two years as an M&A analyst at a buldge bracket in Australia. During this time I have managed to complete the CFA exams - it has nearly killed me. I always pursued the CFA exams as I viewed it as an opportunity to move to the investment side.

Now as I am about to enter my senior analyst year, I am asking if this is a good time to switch into the investment field, or stay put. Hedge funds are an obvious choice, private equity less so. Alternatively, staying put could yield quite lucrative pay-days. The choice is difficult, Australia has a smaller buyside industry relative to the US or Europe.

A last option would be a move to equity research.

If you like your current job, I'd stay put. You will probably have less job security at a hedge fund or private equity firm, especially in the current environment.

