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[CFA入门] 有关Gips的请教, 谢谢。

一直搞不懂下面的一段话。A firm must initially present a minium of five years of compliant performance presentation for the firm and each composite unless the firm or composite has been in existence less than five years. For firm or composites in existence less than five years, compliant performance since inception must be presented in order to claim compliance. After the initial compliant performance performance presentation, one year of compliant performance must be added each year to a required (min) performance history of ten years.

问题1: 是不是说成立多于5年的公司只要交5年Gips就够了
问题2: 是不是说成立少于5年的公司交从开始的Gips就够了
问题3: 对于最后一句话, 实在搞不懂到底什么是add each year to required min performance history of ten years. 为什么又出现十年了。这句话针对多于5年公司还是少于5年公司?请高人详解。实在搞得我太糊涂了。多谢

另外对于2006年前服从CVG(particular country version of GIPS)的企业,怎么也有个十年问题。。。。到底怎么回事? 实在感谢了。

另外多问一句,Schew书(Book 1, P63)上说Firms may  present periods of noncompliant performance immediately prior to the compliant performance history as long as no noncompliant performance is present for any periods after Janauary 1, 2000. 但是book 6 P97 第六题的答案中:A firm can include non-compliant performance data for the period just prior to the period of compliant performance data, as long as no non-compliant data for periods after January 1, 2001 is included, all non-compliant data are identified, and the ways in which the data are non-compliant are disclosed...bla bla bla.......到底哪年正确?而且book 1 P65 第五题答案D,似乎证明2001年也是正确的? 多谢解惑



第一: 无论是否成立大于五年或者小于5年,反正Gips一共要求至少要做10年的compliant record。
第二:  如果第一个陈述正确,那么十年中的前五年(无论是否成立大于5年或者后来补上)都是叫initial  compliant(当然也是Compliant的一种).
第三: 如果第一个和第二个陈述正确,那么十年中的后5年就叫一般的compliant.


1是 (5年算是个Initial)

