据我从 http://www.cfainstitute.org/cfaprog/faq/faqs_candidates.html(CFA首页/CFA Programm/FAQs) 所了解到的信息,考生可以更改考试地点,但好像不可以转期(延期),也不能退考(也就是说不会退款,即不能refund or transfer)。 二楼说的程序好像是更改考试地点应该走的程序。我把二楼所描述的程序的原文放在下面了。关于不能转期和不能退考的原文,我也用红字标在下面列示了。(如果还有其他高人知道情况的也请进来讨论一下啊,我其实想转考,如果有一线转机,还请指点,多谢!!!!) I am scheduled to take the CFA exam in Boston, Massachusetts; however, I have just relocated to Hong Kong. Can I take the exam in Hong Kong, and what must I do to change my test center?
Yes, you may submit a test center change request. Find out how. Test Center Change Request
We accept requests to change test center locations up until 75 days before exam day. Any requests received after that date will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Requests for an alternate test center within the same metropolitan area will not be accepted.
Your request will be processed within 48 hours of receipt. We will notify you via e-mail when your request has been processed. There is no charge for changing your test center.
To change your test center, follow these steps:
- Select your requested test center:
- Contact us (user name and password required)
- Select "CFA 
rogram" from the drop-down list in the "I have an inquiry about" field - Select "Change Test Center" from the drop-down list in the "Specifically" field
- Include the city, state/province, and country of your requested test center location in the comment section
How do I change my test center?
Follow these instructions. CFA Institute will grant such requests if space is available. I just moved and sent in my address change form. Will you automatically change my test center? No. Changing your address and changing your test center are two separate processes. You can submit a change of mailing address at any time. Candidates who want to change test centers for the CFA exams must follow these instructions. I am not able to sit for the exam. Can I request a refund or transfer my registration to the next exam? No. Once you submit your application for the CFA Program, your enrollment and registration fees are nonrefundable. Also, enrollment and registration fees may not be transferred from one applicant/candidate to another applicant/candidate, or from one exam offering to another.