Question 6 Which of the following statements least accurately describes a key characteristic of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)?
A) The distinct business entity that is claiming compliance with GIPS must be defined. B) A firm may not claim compliance with GIPS until it has recorded at least five years of GIPS-compliant performance data. C) All fee-paying, discretionary portfolios must be included in at least one composite. D) If local law conflicts with GIPS, the firm must comply with the local law and disclose the nature of the conflict. Question 7 Which of the following actions is least likely a violation of Standard VII(A), Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA Program?
A) A candidate discusses specific questions from the June Level 1 CFA exam with a candidate for the December exam. B) A candidate continues to write answers on a CFA exam after the proctor has instructed candidates to stop. C) A member anonymously posts a disparaging comment about CFA Institute policies on an internet message board. D) A member fails to disclose a formal complaint from a client on her annual Professional Conduct Statement. Question 8 Laura Field, CFA, is a portfolio manager for Valley Investments. Valley owns a significant position in Datatronics, a local company. Most portfolios managed by Valley on behalf of its clients also include Datatronics stock. Field meets with a prospect and discusses potential equities the firm might place in her portfolio, including Datatronics. Field does not mention Valley’s position in Datatronics. Field has:
A) violated the Code and Standards by not disclosing the firm's position in Datatronics. B) violated the Code and Standards only if Datatronics stock is placed in the prospect's portfolio. C) violated the Code and Standards by placing a stock into client portfolios in which her firm has a significant ownership position. D) not violated the Code and Standards. Question 10 Which of the following would least likely violate CFA Institute’s standards regarding personal integrity and behavior?
A) Lying on expense accounts at work. B) Claiming to hold a university degree before completing its requirements. C) Altering receipts to overstate expenses for tax purposes. D) Creating off-balance-sheet security transactions. Question 9 The Investment Banking Department of MLB&J often receives material nonpublic information that could have considerable value to MLB&J's brokerage clients. To comply with the Code and Standards, MLB&J should most appropriately:
A) ensure that material nonpublic information is not disseminated beyond the firm's investment banking, brokerage, and research departments. B) contact the firms involved and request that they make this information available to the public before MLB&J allows its clients to trade in these securities. C) prohibit MLB&J analysts from making buy or sell recommendations on this information until ten business days after the receipt of this information. D) restrict proprietary trading in the securities of companies about which the Investment Banking Department has access to material nonpublic information.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-8 14:30:29编辑过] |