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Done with 1st Read of Schweser. Now what?

Ok.  So I’ve just finished all the reading in Schweser and did all the end of chapter Schweser problems (not CFAI ones).  The only reading I still want to do is the Ethics from the CFAI books.
Anybody else here yet?  What’s your strategy now?  I did QBank test on the 2nd FRA study session (balance sheets, cash flows, etc) just for fun and did miserably (33%, no joke, couldn’t believe that was possible).  
I’m thinking the strategy I’m going to take is base my study on QBank instead of re-reading and re-doing problems from Schweser.  
This is my strategy:
In QBank, split the material up by study session (i.e. 2 for quant, 4 for FRA, etc).  Start with FRA and print out 15 question exams (i.e. 15 questions from FRA SS1).  Do 1 exam, based on results, study weaknesses (everything at this point).  Then print out another one for the same section and do again and see how I’ve improved, and repeat until my score starts to close in on the 70%.  Then move on to FRA SS2, and repeat above, then move until I get through all the topics.  
Then repeat the loop of the above (i.e. start back at FRA SS1, etc)
Anyone have a different approach they care to share?   I’ve never taken an exam where so much material is covered so I’m a little unsure of the best approach to soak up and retain all this material.

Isn’t it the same as the stuff in the curriculum?


MJLU280 wrote:For Ethics buy the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct - 10th edition - read it multiple times, it will help.
I’d never heard of this. Thanks.
How does this compare to the CFAI reading (easier/more condensed/ etc)? Would you suggest reading this instead of the CFAI text. I’ve only read Schweser so far for Ethics. Been procrastinating covering this topic even though I’m aware of it’s importance.


For Ethics buy the CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct - 10th edition - read it multiple times, it will help.


Thanks for all the feedback.
I’ve started 2nd read-through of FRA and am making lots and lots of flashcards. Also doing the EOC questions. Hopefully the material will stick this time.
I think my approach to take a QBank exam first before having reviewed any material is a good approach. It like it because it provides you with a baseline to measure the effectiveness of 2nd read, and also focuses your 2nd read attention to the points missed on the exam.


It’s one thing to read it as fast as you can, but it’s another thing to absorb it. You’re doing no better than if you guessed on every question, so something about the way you’re taking in the material isn’t working.


I don’t know if you should read it all again. Don’t re-read what you already know, it’s a waste of time. Sounds like you def have some areas to work on, but you have plenty of time so you’ll be fine. Re-read your problem areas and do tons of practice questions, CFA EOC questions, Qbank etc. etc. It’s all repition to learn it just like anything else. For the stuff you know well, just keep it fresh by revisiting it occasioanlly.

