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GIPS Question

In the Schweser notes on page 83, it states the following as RECOMMENDATIONS:
Verified firms should include the following disclosure language: “[Insert name of firm] has been verified for the periods [insert dates] by [name of verifier].  A copy of the veriification report is available upon request.”
I thought that this language was REQUIRED when there is a 3rd party verifier, as opposed to recommended. As in I know that 3rd party verification is not required, but I thought that when there is a 3rd party verifier, the language is a set template just like when the firm claims compliance.

the following statement is excluded from 2012 curriculum….  so forget about it
Verified firms should include the following disclosure language: “[Insert name of firm] has been verified for the periods [insert dates] by [name of verifier].  A copy of the veriification report is available upon request.”


verification prcoess is recommended.
once decide to being verified, whole firm is required to be verified.


I’ve never seen anything in the standards about naming the verification firm in the compliance statement.

