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Most challenging reading in level 1?

Those who have done all the material or previous test takers, what do you think is the most challenging readings in level 1?  In terms of difficulty and time needed to grasp the concept.

Accounting. When I started the program I did not come from an accounting or finance background, I found this the most difficult. Also ethics and economics.
I would not worry too much about derivatives or alternative investments, you can fail both and still pass the exam. But Accounting, Ethics and Economics are 45% of the exam.


Derivative and Alternative investment


Ethics.  Had trouble staying awake during the reading.


Taxes…I read it several times and never grasped it. I practiced so much so I was aiming at getting at least 50% on it, it was too hard for me. But so much practice on it made me become a 70% on Deffered Taxes

