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The behavioral finance readings are fantastic.

If you need any motivation to start studying for the level 3 exam, start with Reading 7.
All the behavioral finance readings are written in a very clear and a very interesting way. I would memorize these on my own even without the incentive of needing it to pass an exam, simply because of how practical it is.
Be careful about skipping over some paragraphs though. I’m finding that some critical statements are slyly placed in the middle of very long paragraphs without any bolding or breaks or such to give an indication that something important is there.

I have a feeling that Schweser’s version will be 1/10th as long.


have heard a lot that this woud be a good reading to begin studies with..


Jokes aside, I found behavioral finance among the most interesting readings. Of course I agree with most people in that it is poorly compiled in the curriculum and that it exposes the candidate to hundreds of poorly structured questions and tenths of vaguely defined concepts that need to be memorize…..

