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LOW score in ethics means fail ?

If a perso gets overall 70 in CFA L1 but gets around 50% in ethics will he fail?
Do people with lesss than 50 in ethics pass ?

Thanks sooraj


Dont leave it to chance Vicky, nail Ethics down. You have two weeks. Invariably, always the first option which you choose out of your instincts is the right one and most likely you change your answers after some thought which could be wrong
I am entirely talking about a case where you have two answers 50-50, I always choose the one which I thought first I wouldnt say this is the way to do Ethics, sometimes its just a habit/instinct which can get you the answers right.
Good luck fellas!


vicky_cool400 wrote:
Thanks i am securing above 73 in CFA mocks overall and 60 in ethics
I would go do some more ethics questions if I were you. 1263427 things will happen on the exam day that could affect your performance. Even if the actual exam is of the same difficulty as the mock, you may score less, which means that 73 is pretty borderline. So do more practice questions (by more I mean LOADS) during these last two weeks, just to be safe you know.


Alladin wrote:
The FAQ section of the CFA Institute addresses this issue under a question that says “what is the ethics adjustment?” The CFA Institute notes here that when its Board of Governors instituted a policy to place particular emphasis on ethics, from the 1996 exams onwards, performance on the ethics section became a factor in the pass/fail decision for candidates with scores close to the minimum passing score (or MPS, which the Institute never publishes). It adds that this ethics adjustment can have a positive or negative impact on such candidates’ final results. Most importantly, the CFA Institute confirms that this adjustment has had a net positive effect on candidate scores and pass rates in most exam sessions.
Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/cfa-ethics-section.asp#ixzz2CgQWnPHF
Thanks for the pointer.
So one can conclude that a) it works both ways, but b) with a net positive impact on an overall basis.


Alladin wrote:
The FAQ section of the CFA Institute addresses this issue under a question that says “what is the ethics adjustment?” The CFA Institute notes here that when its Board of Governors instituted a policy to place particular emphasis on ethics, from the 1996 exams onwards, performance on the ethics section became a factor in the pass/fail decision for candidates with scores close to the minimum passing score (or MPS, which the Institute never publishes). It adds that this ethics adjustment can have a positive or negative impact on such candidates’ final results. Most importantly, the CFA Institute confirms that this adjustment has had a net positive effect on candidate scores and pass rates in most exam sessions.
so good score cna mae u pass. But bad score wont make u fail
Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/cfa-ethics-section.asp#ixzz2CgQWnPHF


The FAQ section of the CFA Institute addresses this issue under a question that says “what is the ethics adjustment?” The CFA Institute notes here that when its Board of Governors instituted a policy to place particular emphasis on ethics, from the 1996 exams onwards, performance on the ethics section became a factor in the pass/fail decision for candidates with scores close to the minimum passing score (or MPS, which the Institute never publishes). It adds that this ethics adjustment can have a positive or negative impact on such candidates’ final results. Most importantly, the CFA Institute confirms that this adjustment has had a net positive effect on candidate scores and pass rates in most exam sessions.
Read more: http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/12/cfa-ethics-section.asp#ixzz2CgQWnPHF


Alladin wrote:
Ethics is important only if you are on borderline pass/fail…if your other scores are such that you are on the border of failing, a good ethics score has more weight and tips you into pass…
Is the corollary to this logic also true.
For example - If someone has barely passed (say MPS+2%) then in this case can a “low/very low” score on ethics may result in him being failed??


Thanks i am securing above 73 in CFA mocks overall and 60 in ethics


Ethics is important only if you are on borderline pass/fail…if your other scores are such that you are on the border of failing, a good ethics score has more weight and tips you into pass…

