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求助 Level 1 corporate finance - self test

Corporate Finance note里面的self test question 2
which of the following would most likely lead to an increase in a typical firm's capital investment?

答案是B  an increase in the firm's expected marginal tax rate.

看了解释还是不太明白呀, tax rate增加了 导致WACC减少, 那跟capital investment 有什么关系呢? 望解答! 谢谢!!

1. most likely,选择最可能的,而不是正确的。选项有可能都正确
2.  借款利息支付在税前,会产生tax shelter,所有tax rate高,可能促使借贷并投资
3. “a need to increase inventory”,常识问题,capital investment,是增加仓库中储存货物?


还有, 选项A是 a need to increase inventory, 这个为什么不会导致capital investment 增加呢? asset 增加不算吗?

