Q6. Using Equation ONE, what is the sales forecast for the second quarter of the next year? A) $56.02 million. B) $51.09 million. C) $46.31 million.
Q7. Which of the coefficients that appear in both equations are not significant at the 5% level in a two-tailed test? A) The coefficient on Q2 only. B) The coefficients on Q1 and Q2 only. C) The intercept only.
Q8. Conditional heteroskedasticity is a problem for: A) Equation ONE but not Equation TWO. B) both Equations ONE and TWO. C) neither equation.
Q9. Mercado probably did not include a fourth dummy variable Q4, which would have had 0, 0, 0, 1 as its first four observations because: A) the intercept is essentially the dummy for the fourth quarter. B) it would have lowered the explanatory power of the equation. C) it would not have been significant.
Q10. If Mercado determines that Equation TWO is the appropriate specification, then he is essentially saying that for each year, value of sales from quarter three to four is expected to: A) remain approximately the same. B) grow, but by less than $1,000,000. C) grow by more than $1,000,000.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-8 14:16:06编辑过] |