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Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Gui

Q9. With respect to the report on ATX Corporation that Black asked Wood to write, which of the following must Wood include in the report?

A)   Wood does not have the CFA designation and that Black is on the board of ATX.

B)   Black is on the board of ATX and the position of ATX in the trust fund of Wood’s children only.

C)   Wood does not have the CFA designation and the position of ATX in the trust fund of Wood’s children.

Q10. With respect to the pension fund for Evergreen International, Black’s fiduciary duty is:

A)   to the participants, beneficiaries, and management of Evergreen International. Therefore, Black should increase the portion in international equities as long as it is within policy statement guidelines.

B)   owed to the participants and beneficiaries of Evergreen International. Therefore, Black should continue to manage the fund in their best interest regardless of the management's request.

C)   primarily to the management and stockholders of Evergreen International. Black should follow management's direction to potentially increase the value of the company.


Q11. With respect to the pension fund for Evergreen International, after Wood notices Black’s actions concerning the management’s instructions, he should:

A)   report Black’s activities to the police.

B)   try to distance himself from Black’s activities.

C)   do nothing because he knows what Black said about the covered call properties and her record is true.

Q12. With respect to Wood preparing to set up his own business, Wood violated the Standards:

A)   in his communication with his friend.

B)   in his communication with his cousin.

C)   by setting up trading accounts in the name of his company.


Q13. Violations with respect to the use of the CFA designation occurred with:

A)   both the printing of the business cards by Black and the letters sent by Wood to his friend and cousin.

B)   the letters sent by Wood to his friend and cousin but not with the printing of the business cards by Black.

C)   the printing of the business cards by Black but not the letters sent by Wood to his friend and cousin.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-9 15:50:16编辑过]









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