Q1. Alexis Popov, CFA, is analyzing monthly data. Popov has estimated the model xt = b0 + b1 × xt-1 + b2 × xt-2 + et. The researcher finds that the residuals have a significant ARCH process. The best solution to this is to: A) re-estimate the model with generalized least squares. B) re-estimate the model using only an AR(1) specification. C) re-estimate the model using a seasonal lag.
Q2. Alexis Popov, CFA, has estimated the following specification: xt = b0 + b1 × xt-1 + et. Which of the following would most likely lead Popov to want to change the model’s specification? A) Correlation(et, et-1) is not significantly different from zero. B) Correlation(et, et-2) is significantly different from zero. C) b0 < 0.
Q3. Alexis Popov, CFA, wants to estimate how sales have grown from one quarter to the next on average. The most direct way for Popov to estimate this would be: A) an AR(1) model. B) a linear trend model. C) an AR(1) model with a seasonal lag.