Q34. An unanticipated shift to a federal government surplus would cause the financial account to move to: A) deficit and the current account to move to surplus. B) surplus and the current account to move to deficit. C) deficit and the current account to move to deficit.
Q35. David Hendricks, an economist with Economic Weekly (a major magazine publication in South Africa), was discussing monetary policy, foreign exchange, and fiscal policy at a forum in Durban. During the forum he made the following two statements: Statement 1: If the South African government pursues an expansionary monetary policy that is unanticipated, the likely effects include a decrease in its financial account component of the balance of payments and lead to a decrease in the foreign exchange value of the South African rand (ZAR). Statement 2: If the South African government pursues a restrictive fiscal policy, this will tend to move the current account towards surplus and the financial account towards a deficit. Are the statements made by Hendricks regarding monetary policy, foreign exchange, and fiscal policy correct? With respect to these statements: A) only statement 1 is correct. B) both are correct. C) only statement 2 is correct.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-1-13 14:31:52编辑过] |