LOS a: Identify the interest rate policy tools available to a central bank (e.g., the U.S. Federal Reserve).
Q1. If the Federal Reserve wishes to lower market interest rates without changing the discount rate, it can:
A) buy Treasury securities.
B) raise the yield on Treasury securities.
C) increase bank reserve requirements.
Q2. Which of the following are the two most important tools available to the Federal Reserve?
A) Changing the discount rate and changing bank reserve requirements.
B) Changing the discount rate and open market operations.
C) Open market operations and changing bank reserve requirements.
Q3. Which of the following policy tools is the least likely to be available to the U.S. Federal Reserve Board?
A) Requiring the banking system to tighten or loosen its credit policies.
B) Buying and selling Treasury securities in the open market.
C) Setting the discount rate at which banks can borrow from the Federal Reserve.