1.问money market yield,effective annual yield,bond equivalent yield哪个最少? 应该选money marker yield
2.问arithmetic mean,geometric mean,harmonic哪个最小,应该选harmonic mean
3. 关于scarae-free的,应该选cofficient variation
4.producer surplus的,A明显错的,B是price - maginal cost,maginal cost和opportunity cost很不同吧,所以选了C,the most price will pay
- the most price must be payed.
5.increase the sample size,选derease both the probabiility of Type I error ang Type II error,其它两个都是一个增,一个减
6.有 zero point ,有ratio,ordinal和interval选,我选的是ordinal
8.道德关于年份的有两道,一道是GIPS present的,我选了10年,一道是record retain,选7年(这个毫无疑问吧)
9.资产类别的,unrealized gains and loses effect什么,早上考了 trading security,应该选both effect income statement and owner's equity,下午考available for sale ,应该选影响balance sheet,这题我选错了,选了income statemen
10.technical analysis 关于follow the samrt money,应该选Deit balane in brokerage accounta,唉,我选错了,这章我都没怎么看
11.有一道题不会的,下午的关于preferred stock的,问new issue后的价格的,A.50 B.50.9x C.51.xx 不知选哪个,请高人指教
12.下午一道hedge fund题也不确定,题干有infrequently pricing for hedge fund of the illiquity asset.
13.下午d ,关于perfectly inelastic supply的,应该选B,seller pay
14.关于escalation bias,很不确定,我选的是B,put more meney to the investment that loss money