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By the time Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s lawyers made a quick dash to U.S. Bankruptcy Court Monday morning, the resulting Chapter 11 was no surprise. The bankruptcy filing represents the best option available for an orderly liquidation of assets. It puts a stay on a flurry of lawsuits that creditors would almost certainly have filed against America's fourth-largest investment bank Monday and in the days to come. It prevents creditors from forcing a liquidation and from its holdings overseas from being seized.

But questions remain about the procedure Lehman and its lawyers will undertake and what strategic benefits are gained. A lot of nitty-gritty details remain unclear; for example, do severance packages have to be coursed through the bankruptcy judge?

Here's some of what we know so far:

The parent holding company filed for Chapter 11, not its subsidiaries. By law, a broker-dealer can't file for Chapter 11, so Lehman's broker-dealer subsidiary would have been forced to file a Chapter 7 liquidation. The holding company-level filing circumvents that roadblock.

A Chapter 7 filing for the whole Lehman empire would have resulted in a trustee-supervised liquidation, with little ability to maneuver for better deals. Under Chapter 11, Lehman as debtor-in-possession can supervise its own sales. A Chapter 11 trustee is considered unlikely because creditors would have to prove mismanagement or fraud.

In its list of top unsecured creditors, Lehman said it owed $150 billion in bond debt and almost $2 billion in bank loans. Most of this is held by Asian and European entities. What Lehman hasn't revealed is secured creditors. Nor did Lehman give any indication of what sort of payout secured and unsecured creditors can expect.

The value of Lehman lies with some of its nonbankrupt subsidiaries. Media coverage has focused on Lehman's asset management firm, Neurberger Berman LLC, which Lehman indicated as early as July it would sell to gain capital, and which may go for anywhere from $4 billion to $8 billion. But the bankruptcy filing listed some other potentially valuable assets: major stakes in such companies as Imperial Sugar Co.; a fleet of gas carriers; real estate that ranges from malls and apartment buildings to Manhattan high rises; energy and hedge funds.

Lawyers now poring over documents believe these assets could be held by subsidiaries of Lehman's nonbankrupt subsidiaries. That means it's theoretically possible to sell these assets outside the purview of the bankruptcy court. But it's likely Lehman will ask the court for its blessing and the sales will occur under Sec. 363 of the bankruptcy code. - Matt Miller



(转载)美国雷曼兄弟公司破产和美林被收购的分析-对中国影响 :

不想写长篇大论, 因为掌握的资料不够, 现在以杂谈方式说点自己的看法。

   1. 美国雷曼兄弟公司是美国第4大的投资公司, 总部在世界各地的雇员有25000余人。 虽然有财务不好的迹象, 但这么快就宣布破差还是出乎很多人的意料。
   2. 美国雷曼兄弟公司是宣布申请破产保护, 因此在美国是要按破产法的 Chapter 11 (破产法第11条)来处理的, 如果是马上完全破产, 则按Chapter 7(破产法第7条)处理。 按破产法第7条处理, 那么就是完全立即破产, 公司的现有财产由债主按比例分掉, 公司不复存在。
   3. 按Chapter 11处理, 公司要求法院宽限时间, 让公司寻找可能的投资人注入资金进行公司重组。 在这破产保护期间债主不能讨债。雷曼兄弟公司现在正等待法院的审批, 如果法院认为雷曼兄弟公司符合破产保护的条件, 雷曼兄弟公司大约有1-2年的时间做公司重组的工作。
   4. 什么条件符合破产保护? 一个条件是公司把资产与债务相抵消后还有35-100万美元的资金; 第二个条件是公司要出示文件证明有其它公司过去和现在有兴趣出资购买雷曼兄弟公司, 也就是说,雷曼兄弟公司必须向法院出示过去找它谈过购买, 投资的买主的名单,出资条件和谈判文件(这些都是公司的核心机密), 现在 雷曼兄弟公司已经向法院呈交了高达近千页的资料, 等待法院审批, 如果法院认为不符合破产保护条件, 雷曼兄弟公司将从地球上就此消失
   5. 为何债主同意宽限延期讨债。 因为如果立即破产, 债主只能搬回一些办公室的桌椅, 一无所得, 血本无归。如果破产保护后重组成功, 债主以后还能拿回投资。美国联合航空公司(UAL)就是2年前从破产保护后重组成功后走出来的. 如今是美国第二大航空公司。
   6. 所以今后的2-3个月内将会有涉及很多机构的想不到的事情发生,中国可能也会卷入(我下面谈)
   7. 美林公司是美国第三大的投资公司, 主要从事证卷买卖(好像也有房贷业务),总资产在1000亿美元以上,但也是由于资金链的问题, 经管困难, 在事前毫无迹象下忽然被美国银行(Bank of America)用500亿美元就收购了
   8. 中国在美国这两个银行的剧变中受到什么影响?  我只谈申请破产保护的雷曼兄弟公司, 我可以确信中国的金融机构是在雷曼兄弟公司中投资的, 雷曼兄弟公司是属于我以前文章中的表4中的“Corp LT debt (公司长期债券)”, 完全不受政府保护, 根据美国财政部的这份报告,中国在“Corp LT det (公司长期债券)”这个范畴内的 总投资是280亿美元, 其中在雷曼兄弟公司中的投资有多少, 我没有权威数据, 就不说了, 但不会太多, 因为这类公司还有很多, 花旗(Citi Bank), 大通(Chase), 大小摩根(Mogan Stanley),....几十上百个。 但我的信息是中国的中信(中国国际信托公司)与雷曼兄弟公司的关系密切,这种密切关系在20年前荣毅仁主持中信时就建立起来了, 中信现任总经理/CEO常振明(我2年前在中华网上专门写了一篇关于他的文章---清华大学的第一个馒头师父, 北京围棋赛除了老聂和马晓春外无人能击败他)昨晚和前晚彻夜无眠, 家人也找不到他, 估计正在为如何减少中信在雷曼兄弟公司中的投资损失寻找突围的高招。
   9. 中国有机会吗? 我的看法是有, 就看怎么出招了。  前面讲到美国银行(Bank of Aeirican)用500亿美元就收购了美林, 可以说是捡到了一个便宜货, 是趁火打劫。  现在雷曼兄弟公司申请破产保护就是想要有人往它那儿注资, 好像韩国已经有银行表示了愿意注资参与雷曼兄弟公司的重组。  如果现在中国也参与雷曼兄弟公司的重组, 在这个重组的公司内能用较少的钱拿到15-25%的股权, 意味着在华尔街的金融中心有中国一份, 以后的发展就不是我这种水平的人能预见的了, 有钱的主, 在别人落难时趁火打劫从而发财是商界里常见的事, 中国现在有钱,何不也趁火打劫, 捡个洋捞呢?  不过中国金融界的各个掌门人是否敢这么做还是个问题, 万一失败, 又会被批评是买垃圾股, 是卖国。 我的这个想法只是我个人的想法, 也许真有不怕祸事的那位中国金融老总去注资雷曼兄弟公司的重组, 那就很好玩了


