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Capital Budgeting conceptual Queries

For the Equivalent Annuity Approach (EAA)

Schweser Book 2 Page184:

Using the TVM functions of the calculator, the NPV is entered in with a negative sign. Is there any conceptual significance in this ? There is a note saying this is purely for calculation purposes but in calculating the price of the Bond, the negative sign is apt since it is a "CASH OUTFLOW" necessary to RECEIVE the PMTS (+ sign) and the FV (+ sign)

SO why the negative NPV ? how do we treat the cash flows as coupons from a bond and live with it ??

Capital Rationing:

Schweser Book 2 Page185:

Can we use "Profitability Index" (PI) to select the projects

PI = 1 + NPV/Cash Outlay

and select the projects with the highest PIs ?

When NPV is entered with a -ve Sign (esp to calculate the EAA stuff) - you end up with a positive EAA. If you entered it as a positive number - you would get -ve payments...

Yes PI can be used to select projects in a situation of Capital Rationing.

First make sure that the Capital Budget constraint has not been exceeded.
If two projects have identical NPVs - the PI acts as a tie-breaker.



Thanks for adding to the post.
Was confused about usage of PI.


Thank you guys, never really expected such prompt help. Good luck & God bless.

PS: @ cpk I almost LoLd , just gotta keep it simple i guess.

