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[考试回顾] [LEVEL 1] 2007年6月CFA LEVEL 1 考试回顾专区


祝07年6月CFA LEVEL1 的全体CFA考生取得好成绩。。。


现在脑子一片空白,就记得 240题大概按32/32/24/68/72/12 分布的,上午出了不少犄角旮旯的题,尤其quantitative部分;port management很简单,都是port theory的内容;asset valuation也还可以,option-free bond/callable bond出了一堆,option之类的derivative很少,有点失望;financial statement analysis 洋洋洒洒68题,就1个字:烦。

很多题目题型都是一样的,自我感觉这次题目出的不是很好,也许是抽题库?那这题库效率也太低了。明天清醒点看能否回忆一下具体的题目~~。现在就记得cash flow, LIFO,tax这些反复出现的关键词,还有从头到尾的yes,no题,数字倒记得一个,0.0049, hehe, 是道根据SSR求SE的题。

第一次见识四五千人在一个hall里考,壮观啊,真后悔没拍下来,最后收卷都花了半小时。当时就想起Hally Potter里描写的考试场景,不过在Excel London少了点感觉,上次期末考在教堂地下,要点上几根火把就十足象了。跑题了~~ 刚看有人担心中午不供应饭,我们基本都是自己带的面包之类的,几个同学聊聊很快就过去了。习惯了中午12点开始上课,也没了午休的习惯了。

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-4 1:32:05编辑过]



考试了  但是什么都不记得了


Just finished, took it in San Francisco, the level one exam was harder then I expected, lots of concepts, might need to take it again in Dec. Good luck every one.


yeah, i did it in Mesa, Arizona.

Hell a lot of conceptual question. I think the Ethics questions are sooo confusing. Then the econ questions.

Way more conceptual questions than I expected.

However, I think not too many people think they did well.

We will see.


I did it in LA. For me, the morning section is easy but the afternoon section is kind of tough. The question is long, tricky and confusing. I did see some similar questions in the materials I downloaded from here, but I don't remember which questions since my brain is blank now. I heard Level II this time is much easier but Level I is kind of more difficult. I also think not many people did very well this time for Level I. Maybe this is because CFA institution changes their CFA exam strategy, which means inceasing the difficulty of the entry level. lease pay more attention on ethics and read the notes carefully. If you understand & remember every concept in the notes, you will be fine. 

Anyway, good luck to everyone who took it this time. If we fail, we still have a chance to retake it this December -.

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-3 20:13:16编辑过]


I just retook this exam....

Same sendiments as the original poster, I think the questions were not very well balanced and repeated topics seemed to come up in the afternoon section as well as the morning....

Not enough questions on options theory..EMH...quants...so disappointed

Hopefully don't have to take it again this xmas


any know how to use SSR get SSE ??


any one know how to use SSR get SSE ??


man!the afternoon session sux! i dont know why the difficulty soars just all in a sudden~

i am not happy with my performance and almost run out of time while doing the 2nd session~

financial innovation? what the hell is that?? some new invention like stock or derivative?

and need to compare code law with common law??? is it a joke?anybody any idea to solve it?i just assume code law is much more restrictive and make an option based on my imagination.

some weird calculation questions i cannot find my answer among the 4 options and i waste a lot of time to clear memory and recomputer my answer but end up with nothing~ they look pretty straight forward and i am 100% sure about my methodology as i solved heaps of similar questions befoer but the mystery is u cannot solve it ~ i really feel like a fool at the moment... how to compute the share price with ROE and without retention rate? i had to skip and revisit all questions like that in the last 10 min and took a "reasonable" guess.

i personally dont like the exam,it is awful~~ 


