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Ethics / GIPS - only item set?

I think this is implied in past exams, but I’m wondering if it’s certain that ethics and GIPS are only tested in the afternoon session.
While on the topic - any other sections that generally appear only in the afternoon?

GIPS has shown up in several years in the morning section (2004 - 2006, don’t know about more recently since I haven’t taken those yet). To my knowledge Ethics never has but you never know. I think the rest of the topics jump around a lot so I’d be ready to see anything in the morning sections.


Ethics and GIPS are two very seperate subject areas. No way they would/can combine the two. That’s easily 15-20% of the exam right there.
My guess is 2 vigenettes on ethics (6 questions each for 36 points total = 10%), and 1 session in the morning on GIPS (18 points = 5%) and 1 vigenette in PM for 6 questions, 18 points.
Just a guess. But one thing I am sure on is they wouldn’t combine the two together.


I’ll put my faith in CP, he’s been doing this for a while now.


sorry, i have this problem - i put a ONE between your only and item.

