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SFA Wrote:
> Were you doing level 2 in 2010? How about the
> Chinese lady that burst into the hall during the
> break and ranted about something into the
> microphone. The funniest bit was that after her
> rant about 70% of L2 candidates in the room burst
> into laughter. I was totally confused... At work
> I asked a Chinese friend what it was all about,
> apparently the woman shouted in Mandarin "hey
> (name), you idiot, you left your calculator in the
> car, come here and get it".
> Thought the thunder storm in 2011 was pretty cool
> :-)

I was in Hall D in 2010.


Just hope there isn't a toronto FC game going on like in 2010


seems like theres always a TFC game going on exam day...was there for my level 1 and 2


SFA: whats your email
can you msg me?
i live near yonge/sheppard & work downtown


Here's a temp email address: yamougauchoah@hotmail.com

make up a code word or string of numbers and put it as the subject of the email. Then post that code word here so I know its you.



hows the job mkt in toronto?


lots of CFAs apparently


SFA: just sent an email with subject AF3


traderboi Wrote:
> SFA: just sent an email with subject AF3

mate, i'll be in touch.


job market in TO is beyond useless


上一主题:Free Review Stuff
下一主题:what book to use for starting level 2