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First reaction

Assuming you pass, what will be the first thing you'll do?

CFASniper Wrote:
> Assuming you pass, what will be the first thing
> you'll do?

Fist pump and curse wildly.


Dance naked around the office....


Order 2011 L3 notes...


go for a 3 week europe trip, hell I will do it anyway


Fist pump and smile or the reverse order.


Punch my manager in the head


The fist pump I threw after passing L1 would make Tiger Woods envious. If I passed L2, which would defy all laws of probability, I would base jump off my apartment balcony naked while crushing 6 ice cold natties.


Chuckrox8 Wrote:
> The fist pump I threw after passing L1 would make
> Tiger Woods envious. If I passed L2, which would
> defy all laws of probability, I would base jump
> off my apartment balcony naked while crushing 6
> ice cold natties.

Ha - nice. I yelled 'pass, pass, pass' like 8 times and then started dropping f' bombs. I don't even know what LII will feel like - because I've had the feeling before (don't have anything else to relate to this feeling of preparation and then waiting, but now have one under my belt), should mitigate the emotions, but it's quite a bit bigger deal for me which should get them all amped up... I'll probably take the afternoon off and have a few beers either way you cut it.


coshair Wrote:
> Order 2011 L3 notes...

Sad but true.

