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Dec CFA Mock

Anyone else complete this yet? I just went through them both this morning.

Morning: 93/120 = 77.5%
Afternoon: 101/120 = 84%
TOTAL = 194/240 = 80.8%

Ethical: 25/36 = 69.4%
Quant: 27/28 = 96.4%
Econ: 21/24 = 87.5%
FSA: 43/48 = 89.5%
Corp Fin: 14/20 = 70%
Equity: 19/24 = 79.1%
Derivative: 8/12 = 66.7%
Fixed Income: 21/24 = 87.5%
Alt. Invest: 8/12 = 66.7%
Port. Mgmt: 8/12 = 66.7%

Would like to know how others did if anyone wants to post. Also, how are people studying ethics? I've split my last two weeks studing between Ethics and FSA, the FSA seemed to paid off but I'm still struggling on ethics. I've read through the book 3 times now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Saturday, November 6, 2010 at 07:09PM by bmer.

just got 72.5% on morning right now. havent cacluated the break down. will do afternoon soon


I did terrible on the CFA mock but i've been killing the schweser Q-bank exams..reallllly frustrating.

I only went the ethics once and I always score the highest on this, lowest for me is FRA, Quant and FI.

I find for ethics if I don't know the answer before even finishing the question (without having to read the answer choices) I will read the choices then go back and read the question and look for the "red flag" if you will, that matches the answer. Comprehension has always been easier for me though than math. Good Luck!


Haven't taken the CFAI mock yet but I've scored over 80% on both Elan mocks so far. The funny thing is my scores have been incrementally improving even though I feel like I've been doing worse. I just finished the last half of my second mock and I got 86% which is my highest score so far even though I was iffy on almost half the questions. I got some serious brushing up to do in the next three weeks.


75% Am
82% Pm


What are your backgrounds guys?

I havent got to the mocks yet. But you all have scored pretty well. Congrats and good luck on the exam.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, November 8, 2010 at 05:38PM by Omid.


77% AM and 75% PM Elan mock 1

78% AM and 83% PM on CFA mock

83% AM and 75% PM Elan mock 2

Elan mock 2 afternoon was a killer.

@notic4lyf: Your scores are fantastic


Thanks. And thanks for posting your CFAI scores too. I was getting worried that maybe Elan's mocks were too easy. I agree Elan afternoon #2 was by far the hardest mock and yet somehow it ended up being my highest score. Until I feel absolutely comfortable answering every question my scores give me no comfort whatsoever.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 03:01PM by notic4lyf.


AM: 77%
PM: 82%

do you guys believe the mock is representative of the actual exam?


CFA mock: 73% and 78%

Elan First Mock: 75% and 70%

notic4lyf how'd you do on the CFA mock?

