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CFA L2 Hours

I was wondering how many hours everyone has put in or will put in come show time.

I started about 2 1/2 months ago, I am around and expect around 275-325. The CFA sample exams are beating the living crap out of me.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, May 31, 2010 at 12:34AM by TheLegend.

6 months ago,1 hour daily = 180 hours + 5 hours target for this last week = 185 hours.


Living dangerously I see..


I'm going to hit around 225. I will feel pretty good about my chances with that number. I'm sure people have passed L2 with <50hrs and failed with >750hrs. Unfortunately with L2, luck plays an incredibly important role with the outcome of your result.



Started in February 09 through June 09 and restarted in Sept 09 until now.



250 hours for me.


Started way to late. Done about 1 month of hard core studying. So I'd estimate close to 150+ hours. Had a few days off work, a few days traveling for work, and a few long weekends in there. Getting mind 70s now w/ a high of 83 on schweser b2e1AM. This week will be dedicated to review, no more tests for me.


Started in September, reading through the CFAI texts, not doing any EOC's. I bought the online CFAI texts so that I could read them at work.

Got the Schweser materials in January, including the mp3's which I have listened to four times. That's right, all of the mp3's four times through (and a couple sections five times - I've got a long commute).

Watched all of the Schweser videos, did all the Schweser end of reading Q's, did all the CFAI EOC's, read through the Schweser video slide workbooks. Have gone through Secret Sauce a couple times and the Schweser QuickSheet many times....

When I say I did all the CFAI and Schweser questions, some of them I only checked the answers. But as long as I understood the topic, I was satisfied and moved on.

So far have done NONE of the CFAI mocks or Schweser practice exams.

To be honest, tonight is a break for me, posting on AF. I felt some symptoms of burnout and knew it was time to ease up on the gas pedal.


I guess it will be around 250 hours by Friday. Not counting AF time as my study hours though but still this figure is toooo low considering I gave 430 hours for L1.


i'd say easy 400 hours but it seems like they're all in vain...

